Chapter 4

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The CDC failed.

We lost Jacqui and Dr. Jenner.

He showed us what happens to the brain when you are bitten or infected. I didn't pay much attention.

The clock. We were counting down to our last breath. He locked us in. Dad, Mom, Carl. Everyone.

We were all going to die. The air was going to ignite, and that would be it. No pain, no suffering. It was all going to end.

Somehow, my Dad convinced him to let us keep trying. I'm not sure why, but Dr. Jenner opened the door and let us go. Everything else is a blur. The last thing I remember is the building going up in flames, and the R.V. pulling away.

So now we're here. On the road again to God only knows where. No food, no supplies. Barely any fuel. Dad is trying his best to keep us all calm, even though I can see it in his eyes.

He has no clue what to do next.

Shane says to try for Fort Benning. He says we should have done it from the jump. I'm finding it hard to disagree.

So that's where we are going. A long, tiresome journey but we don't have any other options. I'm putting all my faith in my dad. Hoping and praying he will help us make it out of here. It might seem selfish, putting my life in his hands, and having him make all the hard decisions. But he is the only one I trust. The only one any of us trust it seems. Other than Shane.

I never spoke about what happened between him and Mom. What I saw the other day. I chose to ignore it. I'm not sure if that was a good call or not, but it seems that's the least of our worries right now. I knew what was going on from the start between them.

I was flung from my thoughts when the car stopped. A highway it seems, with abandoned cars everywhere. Barley any room for the R.V. to get through, considering the engine is smoking, I'd say it doesn't matter.

"We could look through these cars, and stock up on supplies," My father suggests, everyone nodding along. "We could siphon some fuel from these cars, maybe find some food."

Mom was the only one to object, "This place is a graveyard. I'm not sure how I feel about this."

I sigh and wipe the sweat from my brow, "Well, we don't exactly have the luxury of shopping at Walmart." She gives me a look, but I ignore it. Making the first move and rifling through the first car I see. Eventually, everyone disperses and does the same.

Clothes, empty water bottles, a bottle of Advil, and some more clothes. I grabbed what was necessary and piled it next to the R.V.

The rest of the cars were the same. Clothes, empty water, and a granola bar. I tucked that in my pack and moved on to the next. Then the next.

"Bella, check it out!" Carl runs over with a black bag in his arms. He tosses it on the hood of the car and rolls it open. Knifes, an axe, and other weapons lay inside. I smirk as I pick up what looks to be a hunting knife. A black handle, and silver, sereaded edge blade. Turning it over in my hands. "Where did you find this?" I ask him, seething the knife in my belt loop.

He points to a nearby car, "Some dead guy was holding it. Pretty cool huh?" He informs me as he swings around the axe. I chuckle and step back a step so he doesn't accidentally take my hand off. "Maybe you should put that back before Mom freaks out," He sighs but does so anyway. "Take it to Dale, he'll keep an eye on it for you, yeah?"

He rolls his eyes, "But-"

"No buts. I'm not having Mom or Dad give me shit because I let you keep it, alright?"

"Fine." I roll the bag back up and hand it to him. He pauses, and turns to look at me, "I won't tell Mom you just said a swear word if I can keep one."

My jaw drops as I try not to smirk.

Little shit.

"Resorting to blackmail?" My voice is laced with hidden amusement. He just chuckles and runs down the highway to the R.V.

I shake my head and smile as I throw my pack over my shoulder and head to the next car.

I nearly threw up at what was inside. A corpse is one thing, but seeing the car seat in the back, covered in blood, that's something I can't handle.

I skipped that car.

"Bella!" I hear my Dad's voice from behind me. "Get under the cars!" I furrow my brows and look back towards the way we came.


Not one, not even 10. But hundreds of them.

Moaning and groaning and heading straight towards us. I frantically look around and spot Carl and Sophia, already clambering under a nearby car. I throw my pack on the ground and climb under the closest car, Dad following right behind me. From here I can see Mom with Carol. Sophia and Carl are under the car next to them.

My heart thuds loudly in my chest, my throat bone dry. Walkers limp past, unaware of what lurks beneath the cars.

I place a hand over my mouth to keep my rasping breaths at bay. Sweat is dripping down my face and onto the asphalt. The smell is the worst part.

Decaying skin. The smell of death lingers in my nose so much so that I have to fight the urge to throw up all over myself.

Dad—under the car next to me— holds out his hand as if to say 'It's going to be okay.'

I'm hoping he's right.


"Where is she? You didn't find her?" Carol's voice breaks. Her hand clutched her chest, tears forming in her eyes.


She was being chased by walkers, thinking it was safe to come out from under the car.

Two stranglers were on her. Dad went after her and told us he put her somewhere safe. But when he went back for her, she was gone.

"We'll find her."

Trekking through the woods with sweat dripping from my face, my knife gripped in my hand, and Carl right on my heels. Daryl in front of the small group, uses his tracking skills to locate Sophia. Mom, Dad, and Andrea, are following in front of us, and Shane, Carol, and Glenn are behind.

"I hope she's okay."

I look down to Carl on my right, his head is down watching his feet kick up mud and rocks. "She's just fine. Probably hiding in a tree or something." He doesn't say anything.

She's okay. She has to be, I mean, it's Sophia.

aour naurrr

              *scared nose boop*

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