Chapter 14

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-Silas' POV-

I don't know why I had the sudden instinct to protect her. But the moment those two, disgusting men came into the bar I knew I had to at least do something.

I was surprised when she didn't fight back, when she didn't have something remotely cruel to say about my protective instinct. I was more shocked at the fact that she got closer to me, rather than pulling away.

I was angry at her as well. Angry that she thought I could lie to her, keep things from her. Especially Sophia. Upset that she could be so heartless about our situation with my family. But then I'm reminded that she's had a different experience with this whole mess.

She almost lost her brother, lost Sophia. I may have lost my step mom and step brother, but it was in the comfort of knowing they could be okay again, even if it was a lie.

When my father brought up the broken promise made to Sophia directed right at Bella is when I completely lost it.

I got so out of control that a chair was flung across the room. I used to have a problem with anger, but since therapy and football, I haven't had an episode.

But when it comes to Bella, her wellbeing, her safety, everything I learned to keep it in control just vanishes and I'm back to square one.

The shootout at the bar was the most intense thing I've ever gone through. My first thought wasn't to protect my father, but to protect her. I used my own body as a shield if it meant she was safe.

What about her is so different? I don't understand it, but I don't really care to I guess.

Sitting next to one of the boys that shot at us isn't as easy as I thought. I've spent this whole car ride wanting to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze.

I made sure Bella was as far from him as possible. Made her trade seats with Glenn in the front.

I've kept him blindfolded, and tied his hands with his own shoelaces. I can't run the risk of him hurting her, or anyone else back home.

I can't see her face, but I can tell she's still shaken up by last nights events. Her shoulders haven't relaxed, her hands are still shaking and fiddling with each other. I can tell her mind is racing a million times per second. I don't know how to help her.

I don't know if I should. If her letting me be close in the bar was a one time thing, or if it was her finally opening up and letting me in.

I don't want to destroy the slight opening by being too eager. I have to let her come to me. I have to let her decide this.

The boys leg has been bleeding none stop. Father has been holding his shirt on it, trying to slow it down at least. The smell burns my nose. Even with the windows down, it's still strong. I've never wanted to throw up so bad.

A sigh of relief escapes me as the house comes to view. Everyone is outside, some by a car. Apparently headed out to find us I assume.

Rick pulls the car to a stop, his wife and son approach. Bella hasn't gotten out. Is she sleeping? Maybe just in shock. I don't know.

I step out right when Maggie hugs Glenn. When did that happen?

When he doesn't hug her back, and walks away without a word, is when I know something's up.

Before I can dissect it any further, she gives me a giant bear hug.

"Thanks for bringing him back."

Does she mean dad? Or Glenn? Possibly both.

A tight lipped smile and nod of the head is my reply.

Bella's still in the passenger seat. Her mother looks worried talking to her husband, glancing back at Bella with widened eyes, mouth agape. She doesn't even notice.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17 ⏰

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