Chapter 3

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The ride was long and bumpy. We were on our way into the unknown, but I trusted my Dad. I trust that he knows what he's doing, that we're not heading to our certain death. I feel extremely anxious. After we had to leave Jim, I had this unwanted feeling that something was going to go wrong. It always does.

My near-death experience also has a part to play. We thought we were safe, that I was safe. But nothing in this world ever stays. We've all had to learn that the hard way.

The sun was beginning to set and my fingers started to twitch, and my leg bobbed up and down. Mom noticed, but she was busy with Carl, consoling him. I reached for my journal and pen, clicking it over and over as I tried to find the words. Picturing them in my head. After a moment, my mind was still blank. I clicked my pen shut and tucked my journal back into my bag with a huff. I was trying to find anything I could to distract myself. Braiding my hair and then unbraiding it. Tying it knots and letting them fall loose. Picking at the seam of my shirt until the thread ripped. Nothing was working.

Every time I blink I have flashes of that walker above me. I tremble at the thought and try to think of something different, but it always lands back on that. The necklace still has dry blood in its crevices, no matter how hard I scrubbed it. Always there, reminding me. Haunting me.

When we arrived at the CDC, it looked dead. On the inside and the outside. The sun had just begun to set, and night was approaching. We grabbed as many things as we could, rushing towards the entrance. Dad was banging on the door, begging for someone to let us in. Silence.

The group began to freak out. I gripped Carl's hand in mine, watching my surroundings. The moans of walkers were near us and I felt my panic reel in.

"Rick! No one is here we have to move on!" Shane yells, Dad still banging on the door.

"It's not safe after dark!" Mom was huddled near me and Carl, gripping tight on our shoulders as she spoke. I wanted to run, but my feet were firmly planted.

He knows what he's doing.


Suddenly, the doors began to slide open, a whirring sound echoed through my ears and a bright light emerged.

Standing in the entrance, was a man, gripping a shotgun tightly.

We didn't hesitate to rush inside.

"Anybody infected?" he shouts, his gun firmly pointed at us. "One of our group was, he didn't make it." My dad informs, lowering his weapon slightly.

"Why are you here, what do you want?" He responds cautiously. "A chance." His voice was shaking, much like how my whole body is. "That's asking an awful lot these days."

"I know." He breaths. I hold my breath in the hopes this will work.

It has to work. It has too.

The man glances around the room, our eyes pleading with him. I grip Carl's hand tighter, our sweat causing my grip to loosen but I try my best to keep my hold.

"You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."

Dad nods, his shoulders less tense, "We can do that."

"You got stuff to bring in you do it now. Once this door closes it stays closed." His weapon lowers. Dad nods, lowering his as well.

The man, who I now know as Dr. Jenner, leads us down several corridors until we reach an elevator. We step inside and I tug Carl close to my frame, my hands resting on his shoulders.

"Doctors always packing heat like that?" Daryl asks, eyeing Jenner. He smirks, "Plenty were lying around, I familiarized myself." He eyes the group with a calm face, "Though you look harmless enough." He then looks to Carl, his mouth quirked up at the corners. My grip on his shoulders tightens slightly as he says "Except you, I'll have to keep my eye on you." Carl smiles sheepishly, shaking his head as he looks at me. I wink at him and his eyes fall back to the ground.

The elevator finally stops and opens up to a narrow hallway. We follow in tow behind Dr. Jenner, while he tells us about the place. "Are we underground?" Carol asks meekly, Sohpia clung to her side. Jenner eyes her, "You claustrophobic?" He asks, raising a brow. "Kind of," She responds, glancing around the narrow space. "Best not to think about it."

After the blood tests, Jenner led us to a cafeteria. Food was made and were all gathered around the table, sharing stories and light-hearted laughter. Wine is being poured into glasses.

"You know in Italy, Children have a little bit of wine with dinner," Dale says as he pours another glass. I smirk from amusement, tentatively listening to the conversation.

Mom puts her hand over Carl's glass, eyeing him then me, "Well if Wren and Carl are in Italy or France, they can have some then." My smile falls slightly at that.

Dad smiles, "What's it gonna hurt? Come on," he says, mom raises her eyebrows as he urges her. "Bells is 18, and Carl can just have a sip, it'll be fine." He nods, and Mom reluctantly agrees.

Dale Pours a little bit into Carl's cup, and then a little more into mine. I watch as Carl brings it to his lips, taking a sip. His face scrunches up in disgust as he roughly puts down the cup, "Ew" he shakes his head wiping at his tongue. The group erupts into laughter and Mom pats his head, dumping the rest of his into her own glass.

Dad then looks at me, nodding towards the cup with a smile. I raise my brows at him, but he keeps the same expression. Everyone watches as I pick up my glass, and down the whole thing in one go. The cup is set back down with a small thump as I swallow, unflinching. The room erupts into laughter. "This isn't her first time." I hear Daryl say and I can't help but laugh when I see Mom and Dad's faces. Both strewn up in shock. I shrug my shoulder and giggle. Mom's questioning gaze meets mine.

"I may or may not have gone to parties you thought were sleepovers." I shrug and Dad scoffs, shaking his head with a smile. Mom just looks at me astonished but laughs anyway.

After a while, the conversations shift, and I quietly listen in on every conversation I can.

Dad taps his knife on the cup and stands, toasting to Jenner. Shane asks him what happened here, causing the laughter to cease, and the room suddenly turns serious as we listen.

"Well, when things got bad, a lot of people just left. Went off to be with their families. And when things got worse--when the military corden got overrun, the rest bolted."

"Every last one?" Shane sneers, seeming rather annoyed.

"No, many couldn't face walking out the door. They...opted out." My legs began to bob under the table. My cuticles have become raw at this point. "There was a rash of suicides." He looks down at the table, seeming to be reliving it all again.

"Such a buzzkill" Glenn mutters.

We are shown a room that I and my family will share. A bookshelf lines the furthest wall. A couch in the center and a door I'm assuming is the bathroom. Jenner said something about hot water.

I let the water run down my back, watching as the dirt and grime pool at my feet. I grab the soap and begin scrubbing at my body so harshly I thought my skin might peel off. I washed myself from head to toe four times, before finally exiting the bathroom. I haven't felt this clean in months. Once I finally managed to get all of the knots from my hair, I decided to explore the other vacant rooms. I came across a rec room, filled with more books, a TV, a pool table, and other miscellaneous things. Before I step through the door, My mom and Shane seem to be in a heated argument. I slide my back against the outside wall and peek my head around to see. My mom looks terrified and pissed. Shane's shoulders are tense and rising up and down with his quick breaths. He eyes her sharply, his jaw clenched and his hands pulled into fists. He has the faintest amount of blood on his neck from what looks like scratches.

It's silent before he turns and leaves the room. My Mom immediately panics, crying into her hand softly before harshly brushing the hair from her face. I step around the wall and face her. She jumps slightly and regains her composure. I stare at her with a knowing look, and her face falters.

"Don't tell your father," She says, leaving the room.

oop....awko taco

                   *nose boops*

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