Chapter 13

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The car ride was silent. With Glenn to my right and my dad to my left, Silas in the back, it seemed no one had the energy to speak. Usually the radio would be on, maybe my favorite song would play and i'd sing along while watching the trees fly by. Or maybe an old western song would play, and dad would hum along to it.

But the radio doesn't play anymore. It's silent just like us. Just like the rest of the world. Picking at the dirt caked under my nails, Glenn's voice drags me from my thoughts.

"Maggie said she loves me."

I don't think my head has ever snapped to the right so fast then it did just now. My eyebrows furrow when I take note of his face. He seemed unsure.

"She doesn't mean it." He chuckles, shaking his head. I'm confused.

"What do you mean? Why would she say something she doesn't mean?" I can't help but to ask. My dad is quiet to my left, occasionally humming at what we say but not adding any of his two sense in.

"She—she's upset or confused. She's probably feeling, like-"

"I think she's smart enough to know what she's feeling." I glance behind me to see Silas in the bed, seeming like he has no idea the conversation we're having up in the front. Glenn chuckles at my comment.

"No. No." I roll my eyes.

"No, you know what? She wants to be in love so she's— she needs something to—to, like—hold onto."


Dad interrupts me, "It's pretty obvious to everyone Maggie loves you, and not just because you're one of the last men standing. So what's the problem?"

"You didn't say it back, did you?" A moment of silence from Glenn was the only answer I needed. I resist a scoff forming in my throat at his idiocy.

"I don't mean to be that girl, but not telling someone you love them in a world where death is just as common as the flu, is pretty idiotic of you."

Glenn eyes me with a look of consideration, taking in my words and wrestling with the idea. "I could say the same about you and Silas then."

Complete shock takes over my entire body. Confusion, disgust, all those things but the one that surprises me the most, the strongest out of them all was truth.

Or maybe it was loathing.

My dad chuckles under his breath, I give him a tight glare.

"I have no idea what you're talking about. That is completely different, and- and wrong."

Looking out towards the road seemed much better than glancing at the two males beside me. Their faces are clearly expressing great doubt at my words and I can't get it out of my head. Coming from Glenn is one thing. But my dad? I would have thought he didn't approve. Didn't think he'd want his little girl around anything male. Ive never been so disappointed.

"Really? how is it any different than what I have with Maggie?"

"You don't hate Maggie. And Sophia was in that barn. There is no way he didn't know."

I hear a sigh from my left the same time Glenn shakes his head. "That's what this is about?"

"You know, I don't feel like talking about this with you."


A knock on the back window startles me. I glance back to see Silas, his face is mere inches from mine, separated by thin glass.

"That's the bar." He points ahead. A red bricked building, over grown weeds surrounding the area. Wooden posts propping up a canopy above. To keep out of the sun and maybe the rain.

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