Chapter 5

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We've had to head back to the highway for the night, going to pick it up again when the sun comes up. Of course I can't sleep. None of us can. We're all worried for Sophia, Carol is especially.

She seems to be lost too. In her own way. After her husband--Ed--she seems to be living in a state. I'm not sure how to describe it. He was abusive and manipulative and from the moment I met him on that highway in the beginning, I knew he was bad news. I made sure to stick around Carl, making sure he didn't go near him. I guess I've gained that sort of protectiveness for Sophia too. If only I was there to help her. Save her. Protect her.

I'm not a mother, so I have absolutely no clue what it feels like to lose a child. But if it were Carl in this situation, I think I'd have an idea.

I'm not the type to get sensitive over other peoples business. But, for some reason, I feel for Carol, and for Andrea. She lost her sister. I can't imagine ever losing Carl. I won't. That's a promise.

When the sun rose, we gathered our things and headed into the woods again. Dale and T-dog stayed behind to scavenge some more, and so T can rest after he injured his arm.

So here we are, in the woods with the sun beating down on us, bugs in my hair and sticking to my skin. I managed to put it up in a ponytail though it looks more like a birds nest.

God I miss showers.

Carl decided to walk back next to Shane, so I'm left alone with my thoughts. Thoughts about Carol and Sophia. Thoughts about life before.

I almost ran into Glenn's back when he stopped. Daryl--whose been leading this search--stopped in front of a tent. Thinking that Sophia was inside, Carol softly called out.

"Sophia? Sophia, it's mommy." Her voice breaks. I hold my breath as Daryl opens the tent and goes inside.

After about 10 seconds, he comes out, shaking his head.

She's not in there. But that doesn't mean she isn't alive.

"So we keep looking."


The church bells run on a timer.

The most heart breaking thing about that, is Carol sitting inside the church. Her head hung low, begging someone, anyone, that her daughter will be safe. That she will be found, unharmed.

I had to leave when she started to cry.

Sitting in the grass, in front of a willow tree, picking at the blades of green with the church a few feet in front of me.

Glancing every once in a while to Shane and Mom. Looks like a heated argument or something, not sure what they are saying but I have an idea.

The rest of the group files out, gathering around each other. I stand from my spot of shade and walk over too.

"We'll split up, scour every part of these woods for her. I'll take a small group, and the rest of you go that way. Head back to the highway before the sun sets." Dad says, wiping the sweat from his forehead.

"I wanna go with you." Carl appears next to Dad. Him and Mom share a look, "It's up to you, i'm not always going to be the bad guy." My mom shrugs.

He sighs and looks down to Carl, contemplating what he should do. He eventually nods, "You stay where I can see you, and listen to me or Shane."

Carl nods. "I'll come too."

Dad looks at me, same with Shane and Mom. But I hold Dads stare. He nods.


Carl and I walk in front of Dad and Shane. The heat is taking a toll on us, but we're pushing through.

"You doing okay?" I ask Carl, glancing at him then the vast green ahead.

"I just want to find her."

"We will, I promise. She's probably just hiding some place we haven't checked yet." I'm not sure who i'm trying to convince.

Behind us, I can hear them whispering, I know Carl can too.

"You know what I could use right now?"

Carl looks at me quizzically, "What?"

"Do you remember that book I got you for your birthday a while ago?"

His brows furrow as he tries to recall the memory. His face slowly contorting into a smile, then a cheesy grin. "The joke book?"

I smile and nod, "You remember any of the jokes that were in it?"

He smiles as he thinks of one. He clears his throat, "Knock knock,"

"Who's there?"

"Little yoda lady,"

I smirk, "Little yoda lady who?"

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I didn't know you could yodel Bella."

I laugh and playfully wack his shoulder, earning a boyish grin from him. "Good one."

He shrugs, "I told that one to my friends at school."

With the grin still on my face, I ask, "What'd they think about it?"

He laughs as he remembers the memory, "They thought it was pretty clever."

"Did they now? Did you at least give me credit?" I tease him. He shakes his head and gives me a cheesy smirk.

I sling my arm over his shoulder and sigh a bit dramatically, "I'm hurt Carl, I really am." Sarcasm is our favorite way of communicating.

He shoves me off him and I laugh. I go to say something else about it when I hear a branch snap in the distance. Carl and I stop dead in our tracks as Shane and Dad rush in front of us. Both holding up their guns. I take Carls hand in my own, and slowly following behind them.

It's uncomfortably quiet now. The only sounds are our feet on the ground, and nature buzzing about.

And then I see it.

A magnificent deer in the clearing. His head bowed to the ground, eating something. Its golden coat shining in the sun, and his antlers taller than me, poised to perfection.

The most beautiful thing I have her seen.

When Carl lets go of my hand, I barely even notice it. He slowly steps forward towards the deer. Dad gestures for Shane to lower his weapon as we all watch in amazement as the little boy walks up to the massive creature.

He isn't startled, isn't afraid. He keeps his eyes on my brother as he slowly steps towards him. Closer and closer.

I'm stunned. Frozen in a state of wonder at the sight in front of me.

I flinched at the loud echo around us, and Carl is on the ground.


                 *sad nose boops*

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