Chapter 21: Rotting

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"We looked more at the tests, and we think we knew what is causing this," the doctor says.

"We believe it might not actually be a disease but instead the death of the appendix," the nurse added.

"What... like it burst?" Craig asks, confused.

"No, like... it's dying; the green spot is caused by it rotting," the doctor explains.

Tweek let out a little yell, "It's rotting inside me!?"

"Yes, it is," the nurse said, looking worried but also relieved.

Tweek's eyes widened in disbelief as the doctor continued, "It's an extremely rare condition, but the death of the appendix triggered an unusual reaction in your and others' bodies, leading to this rotting process. This rotting then starts to affect other organs and causes, as it's part of your digestive track, it causes you to puke. We are trying to see about getting you surgery to remove the affected tissue and prevent any further complications."

Craig, still trying to process the information, asked, "How did this happen? Isn't appendicitis usually about the appendix bursting?"

The doctor nodded, "Typically, yes, but in your case and many others, it seems the appendix experienced necrosis without rupturing. We don't really know how or why, but we'll do our best to address it. The good news is that it spreads slowly, as you can probably tell by the fact that only recently are you feeling any big effects. Though if it stays like this long enough, it can lead to other organs failing and death."

Tweek seemed to be silently panicking, screaming on the inside, "Ok so... we remove it and... I'm good?"

"Well... hopefully yes," the doctor replies.

"What do you mean hopefully?" Craig asks, worried.

"Well... we don't know how much is already affected by this," the doctor answers, "And... no one has ever really... removed a decaying organ from someone's still alive body."

Tweek fiddled with his hair, trying not to scream, "Ok well... what do we do in the meantime?"

"We are going to put you on a diet that will prepare you for the surgery. Nothing big, but try to avoid the following foods," the nurse then put down a list of foods.

Craig grabbed it and looked through it, "Carbonated drinks, caffeinated drinks, highly salty food, and fish."

Tweek nods, "Ok, that's fine... I guess..." Tweek sighed, "I can't have coffee for even longer...."

Craig pats his shoulder, "It's alright, babe...."

The nurse nods, "We understand this is challenging, but it's essential for your well-being. The diet will help prepare your body for the surgery and reduce potential complications."

Tweek nods, "Ok... yeah, I get that...."

Craig smiles, "Well... at least now we know what it is and how to cure it. Right, Tweek?"

Tweek smiles back and nods, "Yeah... I-I guess it is...."

"Great! We will now be on our way. We will continue to watch your condition, but other than that, we wish you well on the hopefully soon upcoming surgery," the doctor says as they get up, along with the nurse.

Tweek waves as the two leave, however, as soon as the door closes behind them, Tweek lets out the scream he had been holding in.

Craig patted his back, "It's ok, hon, we'll get rid of it, then everything can go back to normal."

Tweek pulled at his hair, "Something is rotting inside me!! What the actual fuck!! How does that happen!?"

Craig shrugs, "I don't know, but we should continue to trust the doctors; they know what they are talking about."

"I just can't believe it!! What the hell! That feels so... weird! Something is rotting inside me!!" Tweek freaks out.

"It's ok, Tweek... we'll get it removed; it's only temporarily... just pretend you don't know, and it's still just a disease," Craig says.

"Ok, ok yeah... got it. Got it...." Tweek nods, trying to calm down.

Craig holds Tweek close as he continues to calm him. Playing with his hair.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 666

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