Chapter 27: Recover

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Craig walked into his house, only to see his mom smiling happily.

"What's happening?" he asks, confused.

"You're going to be so happy, Craig!" his mom says.

"Going to space right now probably would even make me happy," Craig said, "So am I going to be so happy or," Craig puts a sarcastic voice on, "Sooo happy?"

His mom frowns and mumbles, "God, I can't wait till you're done being so...sad." She then sighs and continues speaking, "Tweek's alive!"

Craig's eyes widen, "Ok, question answered, I'm happy." Craig smiled, "Wait, like....alive alive or...hanging on a thread?"

"Well..." his mom shrugged, "I don't know, which is why we are going to visit him."

Craig smiled, "Great now!" He runs out the door.

"Wait, I thought we would eat first," she didn't get to finish her sentence cause Craig shot her a look that made sure she knew he wasn't putting anything before this.

She sighs, "Alright, let me get my bag."

With that Craig swung open and ran to the car, getting in and waiting impatiently.

Good thing his mom didn't take too long or he would have just walked the distance himself, like he had done before.

As they drove to the hospital, Craig couldn't keep still, at all.

His mom drove around the parking lot for a while, looking for a place, making Craig extremely impatient.

When she found one, Craig unlocked the door and jumped out before the car even fully stopped.

He ran up ahead inside, his mom trying to keep up and failing miserably. She asked to see Tweek, and the desk gave them pointers to the room.

They walked to the room, and his mom stopped at the door, "I'll give you guys some space," she said, "Don't freak out if it's bad."

Craig nods and opened the door. Inside was a normal hospital room. Tweek was lying in a bed, tubes in his arms and body.

Craig walked up, "Tweek?" he asked. Tweek wasn't awake. Craig sighed as he took a seat and sat down, "Hey hon...."

Craig didn't know if it was a coma or if Tweek was just taking a nap, either way, he didn't dare to touch Tweek; he was afraid he would end up hurting him somehow.

As the minutes turned into hours, Tweek remained motionless, leaving Craig lost in his thoughts. The door creaked open, and Craig looked up to see a nurse entering the room. His mom behind him, happy.

"He's stable for now," the nurse reassured Craig, noticing the concern on his face. "He's been through a lot, but the doctors are doing everything they can. It's a waiting game."

"What happened?" Craig asked, "Why did he start puking up his own blood?"

"It seemed something was wrong in the organ removal surgery. One of the surgeons made an error cause this type of deadly reaction," the nurse says, "But everything should be okay now."

Craig nods, upset that this could have been avoided. "Is he going to be alright? How long until he wakes up?" Craig questioned.

The nurse explained, "It's hard to say exactly. He needs time to recover from the complications, and we're monitoring him closely. Let the doctors do their work, and we'll keep you updated. For now, all we know is that he could wake any whenever, right now, in a week."

Craig sighs and gently holds Tweek's still, cold, and normally pale and skinny hand. He's not dead, but he sure looked it.

Craig sat by Tweek's bedside, his fingers intertwined with Tweek's cold hand. The room was filled with the rhythmic beeping of medical equipment, creating an uneasy soundtrack to Craig's thoughts.

Days turned into nights, and Craig remained a constant presence, watching over Tweek with a mix of worry and determination. The room felt both too quiet and too loud. His mom stopped coming along with him, having other stuff to do, so Craig just walked there every day.

One day, a few days later, as the sun began to set, Tweek's eyes fluttered open. Craig, who had been dozing off in the chair, snapped awake with a jolt. He looked at Tweek, hope and fear in his eyes.

"Tweek?" Craig whispered.

Tweek managed a weak smile. "Hey, babe. I feel like I got hit by a truck."

A mix of relief and joy flooded Craig. "You scared the hell out of me, you know that?"

Tweek chuckled weakly. "Sorry about that. Did I miss anything exciting?"

Craig shook his head, a small smile playing on his lips. "Just the part where I was going crazy worrying about you."

Craig hugged Tweek tightly, happy he was fine.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 78

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