Chapter 24: Heart charm

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"Come on, hon. Eat your soup," Craig says, putting a big bowl of tomato soup on Tweek's nightstand.

"I feel like shit," Tweek says, laying down in his bed.

"At least you're in your home bed and not the dirty hospital one," Craig says.

"Yeah...I guess," Tweek responded as he grabbed the soup next to him.

Tweek looked at the still steaming bowl of tomato and sighed, taking a spoonful of it and blowing.

Tweek winced as the hot soup scalded his tongue. He glanced at Craig with a half-hearted smile.

"Careful, it's hot," Craig chuckled, handing Tweek a glass of water.

Tweek took a sip, grateful for the cool relief. As he continued eating, memories of the hospital came to him.

"I hate hospitals," Tweek mumbled.

Craig sat down on the edge of the bed, placing a comforting hand on Tweek's shoulder. "I know, hon. But you're home now, and I'm here with you."

Tweek smiled, "Yeah... and this soup is great! Better than the hospital food."

"I bet," Craig replies, chuckling, "Oh, by the way.... I um... got you something."

Tweek tilted his head, "Oh really? What is it?"

Craig reached into his pocket and pulled something out; it was a golden heart charm with a ruby red center.

Tweek gasped as he gently grabbed it, "Oh Craig. It's beautiful. Thank you."

"I got something similar.... it's a symbol... of our um... god, this is going to sound cheesy... love?" Craig said.

Tweek smiled, "Craig... that's sweet. Thank you, I love it, and it's not cheesy; it's nice."

Craig smiled, "I'm glad you like it, Tweek."

Tweek held the heart charm tightly, "I'm never letting it go." Tweek then grabbed his soup again; it was less hot now.

Craig got up and went to Tweek's door, "I think the food in the oven is ready. Anything else you need?"

Tweek shook his head, "No, thanks though."

Craig nods before leaving to the oven, "Alright then."

"I'm surprised he knew how to cook so well," Tweek thinks out loud, "Never thought of him as the food type. Guess not."

Tweek took another spoonful of soup before looking back down at the heart charm. It was beautiful; Tweek wondered how much it cost. It must have been a bit if it looked so good. He was going to cherish it with his life, especially if Craig had another that was similar. Like friendship bracelets, just minus the bracelets part.

Tweek chuckled a little before taking another sip of his soup. Thank god he was out of that hospital and back in his home's comfy bed.

Back home, with Craig.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 447

"My love for you is real." Craig x Tweek prequel Where stories live. Discover now