Chapter 11: Fear

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Craig and Tweek were sitting in the hospital together.

Craig earlier had gone and got them food from across the street since the hospital's was... probably not edible.

Tweek, after finishing, had fallen asleep peacefully in his hospital bed, and Craig was sitting next to him, finishing his own meal, on his phone.

That's when the door opened. Craig turned and saw that it was Tweek's parents.

His mom rushed over, "We came as soon as we could! What happened!? Why is he in the hospital!?"

Craig sighed and started to explain, "We don't know. One moment he was on the basketball court, and the next, he fell down in pain."

His parents looked worried, "Well... is he doing okay now?" Tweek's dad asked.

Craig nodded, "Yes." Craig looked over at the sleeping Tweek, "He just finished eating."

His parents smiled, that's when a nurse gently called from the door, "Mr. and Mrs. Tweak?"

Tweek's parents turned to the nurse, "Yes?" Mr. Tweek replied.

"We got an update on his condition," Mrs. Tweak smiled and quickly walked, if not jogged, over. Mr. Tweak being quick to follow.

Outside, next to the nurse, was a doctor as well. They closed the door behind Tweek's parents.

Craig and Tweek were alone again. Craig went back to eating and just mindlessly scrolling on his phone, waiting for Tweek to wake up.

But that's when he heard voices. At first, he didn't know what they were, but soon he realized that they were Tweek's parents' voices from outside the room.

He had to stay extremely quiet, but he could hear them. Since he wanted to know what was up with Tweek, he listened.

"We have good and bad news," said a male voice.

"Tell us the good news first," Mrs. Tweak asked.

"Okay, well," the male voice replied, "The good news is we know what he has."

Craig heard a little clap, and Mrs. Tweak celebrated, "That's great!"

"That is!" Mr. Tweak said, joining in.

Craig then heard a sigh, "Well... at first, yes... but then there's the bad news," a female voice said. Craig thought that probably was the nurse since she was female.

"You see, your son has something rare, it's called the Verdigris plague. It's rare and, as far as we know, new. We don't know much about it, nor how to cure it."

Tweek's parents were silent for a while, probably not sure how to respond. At least until Mr. Tweak finally spoke up, "What are the symptoms? How did he get it?"

The male voice then said, "As far as we know, the first symptom is a greenish mark on the body, which we did see on him."

Mrs. Tweak gasped, "Shit. The green mark. We noticed it too; we had made a doctor appointment."

The doctor continued, "It's good that you noticed it early. Other symptoms include intense headaches, severe muscle atrophy, extreme fatigue, fever, and organ involvement."

Craig's eyes widened in fear as he looked at Tweek, still sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of what was happening to him.

"As for how he got it, we don't know. He could have touched something or got it from someone else; we still don't know how this is transmitted."

Craig heard Mrs. Tweak start to cry as the nurse added, "We're going to isolate him to prevent anyone else from getting it from him, and we'll start him on a treatment plan to manage his symptoms as best as we can. But I won't sugarcoat it; it can be fatal."

Craig is silent inside the room as he hears Mrs. Tweak cry.

Craig looks at Tweek again and slowly plays with his hair.

He didn't care if he got it. At least then maybe Tweek wouldn't have to be alone in it.

Craig gently hugs Tweek close to him as he plays with his hair. He felt like crying a little himself. He couldn't stomach seeing Tweek in one of those rooms with a clear window as doctors study his condition.

Craig looked at Tweek's beautiful sleeping face and gently kisses his forehead.

Tweek gently opens his eyes and looks at Craig, still tired, "Craig? Everything okay?"

Craig is silent for a moment before replying, "Yeah, Tweek... everything is fine. Don't worry."

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-Word Count: 719

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