Chapter 22: Confession

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Tweek is puking into the toilet; he had woken up feeling sick, and a few minutes after Craig showed up for his daily visit, he started to feel like actually puking.

Craig patted his back as Tweek bent over the toilet, "Oh feels like my insides want to be my outsides!"

"Shhh shhh," Craig patted Tweek's back more, "It'll be ok...the surgery will be here soon, and it'll all be over...."

Tweek nods as he sighs, "It hurts, though..."

"Hurts? Should I call someone?" Craig asks.

"No, I'm sure it was..." Tweek pukes, "Expected..."

Craig winced, handing Tweek a glass of water once he finished vomiting. "You're incredibly brave, Tweek. And this surgery will make everything better; we'll get that rotting organ out and then just stitch you up."

"Craig....what if...I don't make it?" Tweek asks.

"What!? What do you mean?" Craig asks, concerned.

"What if something goes wrong and I...die?" Tweek asks.

"No! ?" Craig clears his voice, "I mean,, that won't happen. It'll be ok. I promise, this isn't and never will be the craziest thing that either of us have been through in this town; you'll be ok, it takes a whole lot more to bring anyone here down than just some...rotting organ."

Tweek smiles, "Thank you,'re a good friend."

Craig felt a sharp pain in his chest at the word 'friend'. God, he just got friendzoned hard time; he had forgotten they weren't actually dating, though they were acting

"Right...Um Tweek...about that." he started, he should address it, this would probably be the best time. Ok, well, maybe not, Tweek's puking, but Craig just needed to get it out.

"Craig, what is it?" Tweek asked, looking at him with concern.

Craig took a deep breath. "Tweek, we've been fake dating because of the whole town, which causes us to be spending a lot of time together, and I've been here for you through all of this. But... I need to be honest. I care about you more than just a friend. I-I want us to actually date, but I don't want to pressure you into anything! If you don't want to date, then I will fully respect it."

Tweek paused, the gravity of Craig's confession sinking in. He looked up at Craig, surprise in his eyes. "Craig, I... I didn't realize. I mean, I know we've been pretending to date, but I didn't think..."

Craig nodded, nervously awaiting Tweek's response. "I don't want to pressure you, Tweek. It's just... I care about you a lot, and I wanted you to know the truth."

Tweek was silent for a few minutes, before letting out a scream, "Oh god!! T-Too much pressure!! I-I-I-" Tweek pulls at his hair, "Craig I-I-!"

Craig grabs a blanket and pulls it around him, "Shh shh, it's ok, I'm saying you don't have to; I just...wanted to tell you... I'm sorry..."

Tweek takes some deep breaths, "I....I....I can't believe it....I...." Tweek goes silent for a while before saying in a quiet voice, "....I think....I think I'd like to date too...."

Craig's eyes widen, "What? R-Really?"

Tweek nodded, a small, shy smile on his face. "Yeah, really. I mean, we've been through so much together, and I... I think it feels right."

Relief washed over Craig, and he couldn't contain his own smile. "Tweek, that's... that's great. I didn't expect it, but I'm really glad this is the best day of my life."

Tweek chuckled softly, "Yeah, well, I guess...I feel like I always...kinda have liked you...just kinda...deep down, you know?"

Craig nodded, "Definitely. And hey, we can figure this out together. No rush, no pressure."

Tweek smiles, "Thank you, Craig. I lo-" Tweek covers his mouth as he quickly leans over the hospital's toilet again and pukes.

"Sorry...I-I um...can we get off the bathroom floor? And instead in bed with a trash can?" Tweek asks.

"Yeah, yeah, of course, come on." Craig says as he tries to help Tweek to his bed and grabs a trashcan on the way.

At least now they're together, and it felt great.

-What y'all think?

-Word Count: 713

"My love for you is real." Craig x Tweek prequel Where stories live. Discover now