Chapter 8

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Tomas' palace is unlike any that the thieves have witnessed in their time stealing hearts. Every other palace they have travelled to had a conspicuously intriguing exterior while displaying the profound symbolism and the meaning of their ruler deeper into the palace. On the other hand, Tomas' Sanctuary of Regression displays its dark symbolism up-front and directly, frightening the thieves with every landmark that they pass. Death and anarchy at every corner, displaying the hell which Tomas' dark desires yearn for the world to embellish.

These are the thoughts that the thieves share as they traverse the palace, travelling towards the expansive, bright gate at the horizon. In the meantime, travelling alongside the rest, Tomas talks to the thieves and learns more about what their morals and techniques surround.

"So, to steal people's hearts, you have to go to the centre of the palace and take it from there if I'm not mistaken."

"Disregarding some parts in-between and beforehand, that's pretty much the gist of it," Ryuji tells him while watching their surroundings.

"Then what's the purpose of the calling card?"

"We'll explain that when the time comes," Futaba says.

In return, Tomas provides insight into himself and his relations with the vigilantes.

"You're saying that you've been fans of us since the Medjed case?" Ann asks.

"Pretty much," Tomas responds. "I was intrigued by you guys since I got to Japan, and so, after researching about you guys, I was even more interested in what you guys were doing."

"And you still were a fan of us after we were framed for Okumura-san's murder?" Makoto questions.

"Oh, the businessman?" Tomas reiterates. "Of course. Despite what the media kept saying about you, I could understand that something didn't add up regarding all the other change of hearts. And... I turned out to be right."

Now it was Tomas' turn.

"Another thing. What is the deal with those outfits? What's their point?"

"Well," Ren begins to respond. "I don't really know why, but, as thieves, these clothes get put on us in the Metaverse when we're considered a threat to the palace ruler." As he explains it to Tomas, he slows down, realising what he says and looks towards Tomas, interpreting his comment.

Tomas then replies with a simple 'Oh' as he realises what Ren meant. 'These are the Phantom Thieves that I admire. Why do I see them as a threat?'

The remaining thieves slow down and eventually stop to comprehend the exchange and determine Tomas' perspective. Ren slowly walks up to Tomas and places his hand on the correspondent's shoulder, getting Tomas to look up at him.

"It's OK," Tomas is told by Ren, "You can trust us."

Tomas follows the statement. "I guess... I don't fully trust anyone, and I see everyone as a threat."

Ren carefully and slowly removes his hand, allowing Sumire to walk up to Tomas' side, wrap her hand with his, and peck him on the cheek. Surprising Tomas, he turns to her and diminishes the frown, but not enough to hide his shame.

"Everything about this may be concerning, but don't worry,," Sumire tells him. "We're here, and you can trust us."

"Thanks... but could we just forget about it and continue." Tomas insinuates, wanting to forget this awkward exchange. The group, trying hard to forget the instance, continued ahead at their regular pace, which was abruptly halted when they turned the corner and saw a shadow roaming around. Instinctively, the whole group hid behind the large pile of scraps which they just turned around. Tomas attempts to ask about the issue but is shut down by Makoto, instructing him to be quiet. Various group members turn their heads to see the shadow and mentally note how the shadow appears to be constructed out of muck all while slowly walking with no intention, not unlike the shadows of previous palaces. The group fully returns which gives time for Ren to instruct the group.

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