Chapter 3

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Present Day

As soon as the boss received word that Kaitlyn had finally been transferred to Petersburg Hospital. Swiftly concluding his business, he washed his blood-stained hands, revealing a cold and merciless demeanor.

Dressing in a sharp suit and tie, he confronted his reflection in the mirror. A knock on the office door signaled permission for someone to enter. A scarred-faced man stood at attention, acknowledging the authority before him.

"Sir, the car is ready for you," he informed.

The boss, turning away from the mirror, walked out of his office, his underling trailing behind. As he stepped into the corridor, men in black suits lined up, bowing their heads in deference to the powerful figure passing through.

"We're off to visit her. Did you buy the flowers?" the boss inquired as they descended the stairs.

"Harlow got it covered, sir," came the dutiful response. The scarred-faced man followed, maintaining a respectful distance.

The procession continued, the boss's presence commanding both respect and fear.

The boss slid into his black Mercedes-Benz S-Class, a vehicle chosen specifically at his request. The engine roared to life as they immediately set out for the city to visit the hospital. However, amidst the contemplation about Kaitlyn, a fleeting glimpse of a familiar woman standing by the nearby beach caught the boss's attention.

"Stop the car," he demanded abruptly, making the driver slam on the brakes. The convoy of black cars, following closely behind and ahead, came to an abrupt halt, aligning with the boss's orders.

As the boss stepped out of his car, his gaze fixed on the woman standing by the beach. A strange familiarity stirred within him, and as he stared, a realization dawned. It was Kaitlyn. Shock painted his features, momentarily eclipsing his typically composed demeanor.

"Kaitlyn?" he uttered, the name escaping his lips in a mix of disbelief and recognition.

However, before he could fully comprehend the situation, Kaitlyn began walking deeper into the water. Panic seized the boss as he witnessed her sudden descent. In an instant, he ran towards her direction, urgency in every step, as if the very essence of his life depended on reaching her in time.

His men, reacting swiftly to his unspoken command, followed suit, forming a surreal procession down the beach. The air crackled with tension as the boss, typically unshakable, sprinted as if chasing something more profound than a mere hospital visit.

Frantically nervous, the boss's composed facade shattered as Kaitlyn disappeared beneath the water's surface. Without a moment's hesitation, he ripped off his coat and kicked off his shoes, his actions betraying a desperation not typical of the calculated man he portrayed.

With a resounding splash, he plunged into the water, determined to reach Kaitlyn. The sea, once a tranquil backdrop, became a chaotic theater of uncertainty as the boss swam urgently, each stroke propelling him closer to where Kaitlyn had vanished.

His men, shocked by the abrupt turn of events, watched as their powerful and imposing leader transformed into a figure driven by an unexpected vulnerability.

In the waning light of the sunset, the boss, submerged in the seawater, felt the sting of salt against his open eyes. The pain, however, was a minor inconvenience compared to the prospect of losing Kaitlyn.

As he swam deeper, the underwater world obscured by the fading daylight, an unexpected privilege seemed granted to him. Through the distorted lens of seawater, he glimpsed Kaitlyn. Her eyes, devoid of emotion, locked onto his. In that eerie underwater silence, her last breath escaped in the form of bubbles.

As Kaitlyn released her breath and closed her eyes, a surge of urgency gripped the boss. Swimming faster, he reached out for her, determined not to let her slip away. However, holding her hand alone felt dissatisfying to him. With unwavering strength, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close, and with every ounce of determination, swam towards the surface.

Gasping for breath as he emerged from the water's embrace, the boss felt a mix of relief and dread. His men, swimming after him, assisted in bringing Kaitlyn to the shore, her lifeless form a heavy burden on their collective shoulders.

As they laid her on the sand, a stark sense of urgency gripped the boss. "All of you! Turn your backs!" he commanded his men, who promptly followed the order, facing away from the unfolding scene.

Grabbing his discarded coat nearby, the boss covered Kaitlyn with it, shielding her from the world. In a desperate bid to defy the stillness that surrounded her, he began performing CPR, each compression a testament to the battle against time.

In the rhythmic repetition of CPR, the boss refused to surrender to the silence that surrounded Kaitlyn's lifeless form. With each compression, hope flickered against the shadows of uncertainty. He repeated the motions, an unwavering determination etched on his face.

Then, a breakthrough. As he continued the life-saving ritual, Kaitlyn finally responded. A gasp, a breath, and the expulsion of seawater marked her return from the edge. The sound of her coughing and retching, though harsh, was a symphony to the boss's ears-a stark contrast to the quiet desperation that had enveloped the beach just moments before.

Relief and gratitude flooded the boss's expression as Kaitlyn's body, once limp, now showed signs of life.

As Kaitlyn remained unconscious, her fragile state revealed by the heaviness of her injuries from the car accident, panic gripped the boss. Carefully, he picked her up, cradling her battered form covered in his suit. His men, retrieving his left-behind shoes, followed suit as they made their way back to their cars.

Kaitlyn remained unconscious in the boss's arms as the car drove off. His gaze lingered on her, and a tightness clenched his chest at the sight of her bruised and battered state.

"You must have faced your hardships alone. You did well, Kaitlyn," he whispered, pressing a tender kiss to her salty hair.

Upon their return to his residence, his men swiftly opened doors, creating a path for him. Carrying the woman he had longed for, he gently placed her in an empty tub, closing the door behind him. Turning on the faucet, warm water cascaded, filling the tub halfway to cleanse the salt from her.

He meticulously washed Kaitlyn's hair as he carefully removed all her clothes, exposing her to him. Each intimate moment was embraced with a sense of appreciation. Kissing every bruise on her body, he seemed to admire the strength that had carried her this far. His fingers traced over her once-life-filled abdomen, expressing a silent wish for a new beginning. Remaining composed, he took a deep breath.

Slowly, he attended to every part of her, spreading her legs and washing every nook and cranny, a gentle act reminiscent of caring for a child. When he finished, he grabbed a towel, lifting her out of the bath and placing her on his bed.

In a gesture of protection and comfort, he dressed her and washed himself next. He wore a robe and slept beside her, holding her close as if never wanting to let her go again.

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