Chapter 9

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Lucas gazes at Kaitlyn, questioning, "What's on your mind?"

"I was just... wondering," she hesitates.

"Is Zeke Castellan..." Before she can complete her sentence, Lucas abruptly steps closer, his teeth gritted.

"Yes. That cursed old man is my father," he responds with intensity, causing Kaitlyn to flinch in fear.

"You're... Dean's brother?" She inquires, growing more apprehensive as she retreats, eventually pressed against the wall.

"He'll never be my brother. That wretch," Lucas seethes, startling Kaitlyn. Quickly realizing her fear, he apologizes, "I'm... sorry. I was just so angry."

She awkwardly coughs in surprise as he sits at the chair beside her.

"Here," Lucas suddenly places a golden locket on the table.

Kaitlyn gazes at it with curiosity and then shifts her attention back to Lucas.

"What's this?" she inquires.

"A locket, obviously," he responds with a hint of sarcasm.

"Yeah, I know that, but..."

"Open it," he instructs, cutting her off. She complies, revealing a seemingly old, golden locket.

Upon opening it, she is taken aback at the sight—an old photo of her at the age of five. Perplexed, she looks back at Lucas.

"I don't recall owning a locket. Why do you have a photo of me?"

Lucas sighs, taking Kaitlyn's hand that holds the locket.

"I've given you many hints about my identity. Now, showing you this locket, which is my last resort, and seeing that you don't even remember. I guess I have to admit you were too young to recall me after all." He frowns, expressing disappointment and frustration.

Puzzled and concerned about forgetting such a significant memory, Kaitlyn questions Lucas.

"Do I recall... Have I known you long before?" she asks, her worry evident.

"Haha, we've been good friends for a short time, yes. I used to climb up those high, sharp prep school fences just to see you," Lucas chuckles. However, Kaitlyn remains in awe, maintaining her gaze at him.

"Prep school..." she mumbles, trying to make sense of it.

"You were so innocent back then. So kind to even befriend a beggar like me," he utters almost in a whisper, gently touching her cheek.

Lost in thought, Kaitlyn is attempting to recover her memory when Lucas adds something that triggers her recollection.

"Your ex-husband used to bully me. And although I see you were very fond of him, whenever you saw him hurt me, you were always there, ready to shout at him to protect me."

With those words, Kaitlyn's mouth gapes at the realization. She did meet a little boy back then. As an only child, Kaitlyn always wanted a younger sibling to protect. So, when she encountered that lonely beggar boy, despite being larger than her, she felt the urge to befriend him.

"Damian... I remember. I used to call someone Damian when I was little. I thought it was just an imaginary friend. Didn't know it was actually a memory!" Kaitlyn giggles, delighted to finally realize who the man before her was.

"But... Your name is Lucas?" Kaitlyn comes to the realization.

"Yes. My given name is Damian Auburnfield. My mother's surname was the only one I had the right to carry since I was considered illegitimate due to my father's status," he explained.

As Kaitlyn listened intently, a sudden recollection hit her. "Why did you suddenly stop coming to my school?"

Lucas, taken aback, hesitated, uncertain whether she was ready for the truth.

"I..." he paused, grappling with his words. The reality was he didn't feel deserving of being in her presence, a realization driven home by his own half-brother.

A beggar without proper clothing, food, or shelter, he questioned his place, feeling gratitude for the locket she had entrusted him. "Who was I to stay with you? Back then, I believed my brother was more deserving of being with you."

"One night, I intervened to save someone from getting stabbed and ended up getting stabbed myself. The man I rescued took compassion on me, adopted me, and gave me the name 'Lucas.' Even though I didn't want to leave you behind, I promised myself that I would strive to become someone worthy of being in your presence."

He shared this, kissing Kaitlyn's hand tenderly. "I did manage to visit you during your high school years. However, strict education and heightened security measures were imposed on me after my adoptive father declared me as his heir, preventing me from visiting you again."

As Lucas shared the chapters of his life, Kaitlyn absorbed each detail with empathy, feeling the intertwining threads of their stories. Tears filled her eyes, realizing the depth of her own gratitude and amazed by Lucas's resilience.

Lucas, sensing her tears, chuckled softly and held her in a comforting embrace. "Why those tears, silly?" he teased, wiping them away with his thumbs.

"I just... I realized I shouldn't have taken my own life and should've been grateful," she sobbed with closed eyes. Amused yet understanding, Lucas continued to offer his support.

"Well, what you've been through is different, but that doesn't excuse your own feelings," he said, placing his forehead against hers.

"I see you, Kaitlyn. I've never forgotten about you. You've been my strength all along," he whispered with love and sympathy, gently kissing her forehead.

"I hated everyone who hurt you. I was a bastard for not intervening the moment your father had you marry my brother. I was there when you married him, and you were so happy I just couldn't bear to take you away from him. So I let you be, only to find out later accidentally from someone I know, whom you've befriended that told me about you."

"I suppose fate has brought us back together, hasn't it?" Lucas chuckled, evoking a soft laugh from Kaitlyn.

"You can't imagine how I felt seeing you on the brink of taking your own life. Promise me you won't try it again. This time, you have me to protect you. I'll do everything in my power to keep you safe," he reassured her, and Kaitlyn nodded.

He sighed, withdrawing a bit while still gently caressing her cheeks.

"Unfortunately, I have to fly back to Phoenix tomorrow. There's work to be done on my mother's burial ground," he frowned, contemplating leaving Kaitlyn alone once more. Kaitlyn, in a sudden burst of determination, jumped up, startling him.

"I'll go! I-I'll go with you! I'll just wear a wig and mask so no one recognizes me," she insisted, surprising Lucas, who remained dumbfounded at her suggestion.

"I uh..." Lucas pondered deeply as Kaitlyn waited for his response.

Observing her persistent and unwavering decision, he looked at her once more.

"I don't really care if they recognize you. Hell, I'd find it amusing if Dean saw you with me. No one will be able to touch even a single strand of hair on your head."


A/N: Help! I'm having second thoughts, would you prefer Dean, Kyle or Lucas to be Kaitlyn's endgame? Suggestiiiiioooons! 🥺

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