Special Chapter 2

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Dean stood in front of Jane's tombstone, his eyes fixed on the engraved letters that formed her name. The graveyard was silent, save for the gentle rustling of leaves overhead. A bouquet of fresh flowers rested against the cold stone.

Dean's hand hesitated before touching the surface, as if afraid the connection would be too painful. Memories flooded his mind-their laughter, shared dreams, and the tumultuous journey that led them to this final resting place.

Dean whispers softly with regret evident in his voice. "Jane... I never thought it would end like this."

He traced the letters of her name with his fingertips, as if seeking a tangible connection to the woman he had loved and lost. The weight of regret and sorrow lingered in the air.

"I wish I could go back and change things. I wish I could undo the pain I caused you."

The wind carried his words, as if conveying them to the spirit of the woman who had once been a part of his life. Dean's gaze shifted to the horizon, as if searching for solace in the vastness beyond.

He added, "You deserved better, Jane. You deserved a life without the shadows of my mistakes."

A somber peace settled within him as he spoke, a bittersweet acknowledgment of the irreversible past. The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow over the cemetery.

"I'll make sure our son knows about you, about the woman who sacrificed so much. He'll grow up knowing he was loved."

Dean knelt beside Jane's tombstone, cradling his 3-year-old son, Daniel, in his arms. The little boy looked at the bouquet of flowers with wide eyes, his chubby fingers reaching out.

"Hey, buddy. This is Mommy's special place."

Little Daniel giggled as he succesfully grabbed a few petals, "Mommy's playsh!"

Dean smiled, the weight of the moment momentarily lifted by the innocence of his son's mispronunciation.

"Yeah, Mommy's special place. We come here to say hello and tell her we love her."

"Wuv you, Mommy!"

Dean's heart swelled with both sadness and warmth as he hugged Daniel a little tighter.

"She loved you very much, you know. You're her little hero."

"Liddle hewo!" The little boy repeated with a laughter that melted his father's heart.

Dean chuckled and whispered, "You make everything a little brighter, kiddo."

After the heartfelt visit, Dean chose to head home with Maria, his steadfast housekeeper and the caregiver for little Daniel since Jane's passing.

During their drive, Daniel asked his papa if he needed to pee, leading to a stop at a nearby convenience store. As Maria and Daniel stepped a few meters away from the car, a sudden crash echoed through the air as a truck collided with Dean's vehicle, causing it to overturn. The incident left Daniel in shock, Maria urgently calling for help.

"Mr. Castellan!"

The once serene atmosphere transformed into chaos. Daniel's eyes widened, his small hands tightly gripping Maria's as dust settled around Dean's now overturned car.

Maria pleaded for assistance, "Somebody, please help!"

Concerned bystanders rushed to the scene, offering aid while Maria anxiously assessed the situation.

Dean's little boy,now teary-eyed shouted, "Papa!"

Maria, suppressing her own fears, enveloped Daniel in a protective hug, shielding him from the distressing scene. "Don't worry, Daniel. Your papa will be okay. We just need to wait for help."

The blaring sirens drew nearer as emergency services approached. Maria clung to Daniel, their eyes fixed on the overturned car, silently praying for Dean's well-being amid the unfolding turmoil.

As the minutes ticked by, with the distant wail of approaching sirens, an unexpected twist unfolded. Flames erupted from the overturned car, engulfing it in a fiery blaze. The sudden burst of fire caught Daniel off guard, and his tiny voice echoed in terror.

Daniel started screaming in fear, "Papa! Papa!"

Maria swiftly shielded Daniel's eyes from the harrowing sight, attempting to comfort the distressed child amidst the escalating chaos.

"It's okay, Daniel. Help is on the way. They'll save your papa." Maria comforted the little boy, soothing his pounding heartbeat.

The intensity of the flames painted an ominous scene against the darkening sky, heightening the urgency for rescue. The distant wail of sirens grew louder, a glimmer of hope approaching the fiery ordeal.

As the flames were quenched and the wreckage lay subdued, the rescue team worked diligently to extract Dean from the car. But the chief stared at the burnt body, glancing away from the sight and decided to approach Maria and young Daniel with a heavy heart, his expression conveying the somber news with the confirmation of the medics.

"I'm sorry... He's... Gone."

The weight of those words hung in the air, leaving Maria and Daniel to grapple with the sudden, profound loss that had befallen them.

The little boy, comprehending the tragic reality that his papa was gone, released a heart-wrenching cry that echoed, breaking the hearts of all who stood helpless on the sidelines.

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