Chapter 4

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Remaining in a prolonged state of unconsciousness, Kaitlyn received constant attention from the man, who stayed by her side without prolonged absences.

In his temporary departures, he had delegated the duty to his steadfast second-in-command.

In a serene moment, bathed in a warm, golden glow, young Kaitlyn found herself in the presence of her mother. With a tender smile, her mother imparted valuable lessons.

"Kaitlyn, my dear, always remember to be kind to others. In kindness, you'll find the true beauty of your heart," her mother spoke with a soothing cadence. "Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. Let go of resentment and embrace the freedom it brings."

As the gentle wisdom continued to unfold, Kaitlyn's mother shared more pearls of insight. "Embrace empathy, my sweet one. Seek to understand the struggles of those around you. It is through understanding that you'll discover the power of compassion."

"Life is a series of choices, Kaitlyn. Choose love over judgment, understanding over prejudice. Your actions ripple through the lives of others, so let them be waves of kindness and positivity."

The moment unfolded like a tapestry of guidance, each thread weaving a lesson into the fabric of Kaitlyn's being. "Be a giver, my love. Share what you have, for in giving, you receive immeasurable joy. Your generosity will light up the world around you."

Though too young to consciously recall memories of her mother, in this ethereal moment, each word felt as if her mother's presence was alive and tangible. The wisdom imparted seemed to transcend time, resonating within young Kaitlyn as if the conversation had just taken place.

"Now wake up, you've rested for too long," her mother's face became visible in the dream, and she tenderly kissed Kaitlyn's forehead.

As her mother's lips touched her skin, Kaitlyn slowly opened her eyes.

She gasped, as if her lungs retained the memory of drowning in the deep sea. Slowly, her vision adjusted to the light in the room where she found herself.

Attempting to sit up, she startled the man sleeping beside her. The realization that a stranger shared the bed with her induced panic, leading her to make an immediate yet unsteady attempt to get off the bed, resulting in a fall.

Kaitlyn soon discovered she lacked the strength in her legs, finding it challenging to move. "Oh goodness," the shirtless stranger chuckled, stepping off the bed to gently pick her up. Though she attempted to resist, weakness hindered any meaningful struggle.

Carefully, he placed her back on the bed, kneeling beside it to bring their faces to the same level.

"I'm glad you're finally awake. How are you feeling?" the man asked with genuine concern, gently touching her forehead.

"You had a fever last night. I had to keep you warm; you were shivering in the cold," he added, his eyes radiating a gentleness that seemed familiar to Kaitlyn.

Confused and disoriented, she asked, "What happened? Who are you? Why am I here?" Her last memory was drowning and facing death.

The man sighed, a tinge of sadness in his expression as he realized the person he had loved since his youth didn't recognize him. Despite this, he remained patient with her. "I..." The man paused, contemplating whether he should reveal his identity or wait for her to recognize him on her own.

He sighed and revealed his adoptive name, "Lucas. You can call me Lucas," he introduced, deciding to let fate take its course.

Kaitlyn looked at him, still doubtful but ended up believing anyway. She asked, "Lucas... Did you... save me?"

"I did. I saw, then ran after you. You made me look bad in front of my men," he joked, lightening up the mood.

Embarrassed, Kaitlyn looked down and contemplated. She didn't want to live, sure that Dean was looking for her, making her tremble in fear.

"You don't need to be afraid. You're safe here. You're protected. I won't hurt you," he assured, offering a comforting smile.

"I know it's not my place to ask, but if you start to believe I can be trusted, then I'm available anytime you need me to listen," he added, attempting to encourage her to share her story.

Kaitlyn only glanced at him, not uttering a word. He remained a stranger to her.

"Well, this is my room, but you can have it for now. I'll be sleeping in the next room. I placed an intercom; press 1 if you need anything," Lucas informed, pointing at the intercom on the bedside table.

Yawning, he walked out of the room, leaving Kaitlyn alone in a large, elegant space. As she scanned the room, she realized it wasn't an ordinary room that anyone could own. Lucas was probably someone important or maybe someone feared, she thought, noticing a scar on his abdomen when he was still in the room.

Even in the embrace of a stranger's bed and within the walls of an unfamiliar home, Kaitlyn felt an unusual sense of peace and comfort, unlike the turbulent atmosphere she had shared with her ex-husband, Dean.

In a sudden flashback of her accident, she instinctively checked her arms and body, discovering that she was almost healed. "How long have I been here?" she pondered, "And he took care of me all this time?"

Her mind remained in a blur, and overwhelmed with emotion, she decided to lie back down, covering herself with the blanket and forcing her eyes to close.

"Why am I even still here..." she mumbled, tears streaming down her face. The weight of her tragic experience caused a surge of emotional turmoil once more.

Lucas, however, didn't go back to sleep. Despite his recent lack of rest, he made his way back to his office. Taking charge of Kaitlyn's care and ensuring no one else tended to her left him with little time to attend to his work.

Upon entering his father's owned hotel, Lucas was promptly greeted by the uniformed staff, all bowing in respect to their young master. His own men, dressed in matching black suits, also bowed.

"Greetings, young master," they expressed in unison.

Lucas casually ruffled his hair. Despite lacking the time for a proper head-to-toe makeover, he exuded a remarkable sense of beauty and elegance for a man.

His blue eyes and black hair mirrored the beauty of a sparkling night sky.

His build was formidable, capable of taking on ten men in hand-to-hand combat simultaneously. An extraordinary man, he pursued greatness through his own efforts.

He confidently strode to his father's office. Upon opening the door, party poppers resounded, and confetti showered down onto his head and shoulders.

"Happy birthday, my boy!" His father laughed, thoroughly amused by the surprise.

Lucas annoyingly massaged his temples. "Pops, seriously. I'm too old for this," he uttered, dusting off the confetti from his hair.

"Ooh, someone's a bit haggard. Brought home a woman? You've been absent from board meetings recently," Mr. DeMarco chuckled, teasing his son.

Although the jest held some truth, Lucas didn't want his father to know about Kaitlyn just yet. He feared his father would insist on them marrying with the intention of having grandchildren, and he didn't want to scare off Kaitlyn.

"You called for me." Lucas promptly shifted his demeanor, standing straight in front of his father as he made a bow.

Mr. DeMarco smirked proudly at his son's behavior. "Ah yes, I have news."

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