Chapter 5

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As night fell, Kaitlyn, newly awakened, decided to test her legs with some gentle exercise. Despite sensing them, the feeling was peculiar, likely a result of their extended inactivity.

Attempting to stand, she sought support from any sturdy object. Her efforts, however, led her to lean against the wall for stability. When she reached for the doorknob, it unexpectedly swung open, causing her to land on her backside. Lucas, the amused culprit, laughed and swiftly lifted her up.

"What are you aiming for, silly?" he inquired, settling her back on the bed to sit.

Embarrassed and still feeling the discomfort in her bottom, Kaitlyn looked down and asked, "I wanted to try leaving the room without relying on you. Is that not allowed?" Her tone carried a hint of hesitance.

"Of course, it is, but first..." Lucas paused, producing a bouquet of flowers he had concealed behind him and handed it to her.

Perplexed by the gesture and curious about the occasion, she accepted it, marveling at the blue roses.

"Blue... roses?" she exclaimed in amazement.

"Mhm. Just for you," he smiled, observing her reaction.

"But... they don't exist. Blue roses... are they dyed?" Kaitlyn speculated, thinking she had unraveled the mystery. Lucas chuckled and shook his head.

"Do you know what blue roses mean?" he asked, locking eyes with her.

Kaitlyn hesitantly shook her head innocently.

"What does it mean?" she inquired with curiosity.

Lucas chuckled and delicately touched a petal.

"It's for you to discover. I hope one day you'll remember who I am as well," he mumbled hopefully.

Before Kaitlyn could respond to his words, he added, "These roses are genetically engineered. I have a garden full of them. Been growing them for years. I'll show it to you when the time is right." He smiled, his blue eyes exuding gentleness and peace like the sky but profound and enigmatic like the ocean.

"Would you like to join me for dinner downstairs?" Lucas extended an invitation that hinted at an intimate dinner date.

"May I?" Kaitlyn responded, expressing surprise at the idea of leaving her room.

"Haha, of course. You're not a prisoner; you're a special guest," he assured her, offering his hand. "It might be uncomfortable if I carried you, so how about giving walking a try?" he suggested.

"Yes, thank you," she replied formally, accepting his hand as if he had quickly become someone she trusted.

Exiting the room, a line of maids and a few men in black suits greeted Kaitlyn with bows.

"Good evening, miss. Enjoy your dinner," they said in unison, executing a flawless departure as if rehearsed.

Stepping into the elegant dining hall, a mix of modernity and royalty, Kaitlyn couldn't help but gasp in amazement. Glancing at Lucas, she found him busy pulling out a chair for her.

He gestured for her to sit, and as she did, she kept her gaze on him, prompting a chuckle from him. "Please, I'll melt," he said, a bit embarrassed.

Still in awe, Kaitlyn curiously asked, "Who are you? Are you a royal? A prince, maybe?" She spoke nervously, fearing that she might be in the presence of someone very important.

"No, no. You got it wrong. I'm just a nobody," he responded, taking a seat as maids served them.

"But with you, I might as well be a king," he playfully added, gesturing a little bow, eliciting a giggle from Kaitlyn. Despite the playful conversation, the curiosity about the man before her lingered.

While they savored their dinner, Lucas assisted Kaitlyn back upstairs after they finished.

"Are you a fan of stars?" Lucas asked out of the blue while helping her.

Kaitlyn glanced at him, "sometimes," she casually replied, earning a chuckle from him.

"Only sometimes?" he inquired, now intrigued.

"Yeah, I used to gaze at the stars with someone..." she trailed off, referring to Dean.

In the past, Kaitlyn, knowledgeable about and enamored with the moon and stars, often found herself as the third wheel when Dean went on dates. He would seek her advice for his romantic endeavors. Though secretly in love with her now ex-husband, she would share her vision of ideal dates whenever he asked for ideas.

Despite the bittersweet memories, she smiled serenely, acknowledging that she had finally moved on.

Noticing Kaitlyn's quiet demeanor, Lucas guided her to the balcony where a substantial telescope awaited. As she comprehended the intention behind the setup, her mood brightened instantly, eliciting a smile from Lucas.

"If you'd like, feel free to use it," he encouraged, prompting her to take a seat and engage with the telescope, ready for exploration.

As Kaitlyn gracefully fine-tuned the telescope, her eyes sparkled with curiosity, delving into the celestial marvels overhead. The stars seemed to waltz in response to her gaze, and Lucas observed her with a tenderness akin to the tranquil night sky. Navigating through the cosmic expanse, Kaitlyn's exploration drew a silent admiration from Lucas, captivated not only by the celestial wonders but also by the enchanting spectacle of Kaitlyn immersed in the cosmic tableau.

"Lucas, this is incredible! It's my first time observing the moon and stars through such an advanced telescope. The clarity is astounding... the moon looks so breathtaking," Kaitlyn exclaimed, her words eliciting a smile from Lucas.

"It truly is remarkable, isn't it?" he replied, his eyes fixed on her, still captivated by her wonder.

As Kaitlyn continued to explore, Lucas added.

"Have you always been fascinated by the stars?" Lucas inquired, genuinely interested in her response.

Kaitlyn nodded, her eyes still focused on the cosmic display. "Yes, I have a faint memory of my mother telling me stories about the constellations. It always felt like a magical connection to something beyond our world."

Lucas listened intently, appreciating the glimpse into Kaitlyn's past. "Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. What other stories did she share?"

Kaitlyn smiled, reminiscing. "She taught me about the importance of kindness, forgiveness, and the joy of giving. Even in tough times, she believed in the beauty of humanity."

Lucas observed her with a soft expression. "It sounds like you carry her teachings with you."

"Yes," Kaitlyn replied, finally tearing her gaze away from the telescope to meet his eyes. "It was my memory of her that woke me up."

Lucas couldn't help but feel a connection forming between them, something beyond the vastness of the stars they were observing.

Kaitlyn, on the verge of returning to the telescope, hesitated and turned to Lucas, posing a question, "Do you like stars as well?"

A wistful expression crossed Lucas's face as he responded, "Yes, I used to love watching the stars with someone from afar."

Curiosity sparked in Kaitlyn's eyes. "From afar? Why?" she inquired, her attention now fully on him.

Lucas chuckled but evaded a direct answer, saying, "Ah, I won't tell you." His attempt at concealment didn't escape Kaitlyn, causing a subtle twinge of discomfort. She felt a growing unease about the undisclosed aspects of Lucas's life.

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