Special Chapter 1

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The melodious strains of the processional march filled the air as the garden transformed into a picturesque venue for Lucas and Eve's awaited wedding. The guests stood in anticipation as the bride, Eve, walked down the flower-adorned aisle, her gown flowing gracefully with each step.

Lucas, standing at the altar in a sleek suit, couldn't help but be captivated by Eve's beauty. As she reached him, their eyes met, exchanging a shared glance filled with excitement and love.

The officiator, a dignified figure in ceremonial robes, began the solemn ceremony.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the embrace of nature, surrounded by the beauty that mirrors the love blossoming between Lucas and Eve." The officiator began with a smile.

"Today, we witness the union of two souls destined to embark on a journey of shared dreams, joys, and challenges."

"Lucas and Eve, before we proceed, let it be known that love is not just a fleeting emotion but a steadfast commitment. It is a force that withstands the tests of time, a flame that, when nurtured, grows into a beacon of shared warmth and understanding."

"Lucas, as you stand here today, do you vow to honor, cherish, and protect Eve, to support her dreams and share in her laughter and tears?" The officiator asked glancing at the groom.

With a genuine smile, Lucas answered, "I do."

The priest gave a confirming nod and asked the bride, "And Eve, as you stand here today, do you vow to honor, cherish, and support Lucas, to share in his triumphs and comfort him in times of trial?"

Eve answered, looking up at Lucas, "I do."

"Let the rings symbolize the eternal nature of your commitment. These rings, unbroken circles, reflect the unending love that binds you. Lucas, as you place the ring on Eve's finger, declare your devotion." The officiator requested.

Lucas, holding Eve's hand tenderly, answered, "With this ring, I offer more than a promise. It's a pledge of my heart, a commitment to be your sanctuary in every storm, and a declaration of a love that grows deeper with each passing moment. I pledge not just my love, but my unwavering fidelity to you, Eve, for all the days of our shared journey."

"And now, Eve, as you place the ring on Lucas's finger, declare your devotion."

Eve, gazing into Lucas's eyes, softly expressed, "With this ring, I gift you more than a symbol. It embodies my promise to stand by your side, to dance with you in moments of joy, and to hold you in times of sorrow. This ring signifies a love that transcends the ordinary, a commitment to building a life filled with laughter, adventure, and unwavering support. With this ring, I pledge my enduring love and complete fidelity to you, Lucas, as we embark on this beautiful journey together."

Just as the officiator was about to declare them officially wed, a small voice interrupted the moment. Kai Damian, their adorable three-year-old son, stood in front of them with an impish grin.

"Daddy, Mommy, wait!" he exclaimed, capturing the attention of the entire congregation.

Lucas and Eve exchanged amused glances, and the guests chuckled at the unexpected interruption.

The officiator, maintaining his composure, addressed Kai Damian, "What's the matter, young man?"

Kai Damian looked at his parents with utmost seriousness. "Before you say they're married, they need to promise something."

The audience smiled at the innocence of the child's request.

Lucas nodded encouragingly, "Sure thing, buddy. What do you want us to promise?"

Kai Damian thought for a moment, then said, "Daddy, promise to always share your toys with Mommy, and Mommy, promise to let Daddy watch his superhero shows sometimes."

Lucas and Eve burst into laughter, their hearts swelling with love for their son.

The officiator chuckled, with a twinkle in his eye, addressed the congregation, "In the spirit of love, unity, and the wisdom of our young witness, I now pronounce Lucas and Eve officially married. You may kiss the bride!"

Nikolai, with a joyful laugh, playfully covered his grandson Kai Damian's eyes as Lucas and Eve shared their first kiss as a married couple. The sound of cheers and applause filled the air, celebrating the union of the newlyweds. The tender moment was accompanied by the innocence of Kai Damian, adding a touch of playfulness to the joyous occasion.

During the reception, the venue transformed into a lively space filled with laughter and celebration. Kai Damian, the little ring bearer, took center stage, and with wide-eyed innocence, he approached his parents and grandpa Nikolai.

Kai Damian asked with excitement, "Mommy, Daddy, Grandpa! That kiss was like in fairy tales! Are we all princes and princesses now?"

Lucas, chuckling at the girly shriek his little boy did, "Well, buddy, you're the prince, and Mommy is the queen. Daddy is just a lucky guy."

Eve smiled at her son's thought, "That's right, sweetheart. We're a royal family now."

Nikolai, joining the fun inserted, "And I guess that makes me the king! How about a dance, my little prince?"

Kai Damian, excited, threw the ring pillow and started jumping gleefully, "Yay, a royal dance! But wait, where's my crown?"

Lucas snickered a laughter, "We'll get you a crown, little man. But first, let's dance!"

The reception continued with music, dancing, and the warmth of family. Kai Damian's playful energy added a delightful charm to the festivities, making it a celebration to remember.

In the small examination room, the excitement was evident as the obstetrician delivered the long-awaited news.

"Congratulations! It's a girl!"

Lucas, Kai, and Nikolai erupted in pure joy, their celebratory cheers echoing in the room. The ultrasound screen displayed the image of their little girl, a precious addition to their growing DeMarco family.

Eve couldn't help but laugh at the sheer goofiness of the three generations of DeMarcos, reveling in the shared happiness that filled the room. The anticipation for the arrival of their baby girl had brought an extra layer of warmth and excitement to their lives.

As the laughter settled, Lucas turned to Eve, his eyes filled with an overwhelming mix of love and joy. "Our little girl, Eve. Can you believe it?"

Eve, touched by the moment, smiled warmly, feeling an indescribable happiness in her heart. "It's incredible, Lucas. I can't wait to meet her."

Nikolai, beaming with grandfatherly pride, playfully ruffled Kai's hair. "Looks like you'll have a baby sister to protect, Kai."

Kai, the soon-to-be big brother, nodded with a grin. "I got this, Grandpa."

"No boyfriends! No playing with boys!" Kai added with a puffed chest.

Lucas chuckled at Kai's protective declaration, recognizing the sincerity in his son's words.

"Got it, buddy. No boys until she's, what, 30?"

Kai nodded, fully embracing his newfound role as the big brother protector. "Thirty sounds good, Dad."

Nikolai joined in the playful banter, adding his own touch of humor. "Well, Lucas, looks like you've got your hands full with these two."

Eve, enjoying the light-hearted moment, couldn't help but join in.

"At least we know she'll be surrounded by love and a bit of overprotectiveness."

As the family laughed together, the promise of a future filled with joy, love, and a touch of playful chaos felt even more tangible.

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