Chapter 8

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A/N: Someone asked if Jane was pregnant during the time that Kaitlyn was pregnant as well. Yes, it's a case of "cryptic pregnancy". I'll further explain it along the story.


Jane wished she could utter, "Yes, I am. But you need not worry. This is not yours. You can keep going with your punishments," but refrained, unwilling to add lying to her sins. Instead, she asked Dean, "If I were pregnant, would that change anything?" with a hopeful undertone.

Dean, momentarily taken aback by her question, pondered, 'Ah. Would it change anything? The fact that it cannot bring back Kaitlyn, then no. It won't change anything.' Jane, aware of his unspoken response, smiled and continued descending to the basement, seemingly accepting her fate and martyrdom.

Observing her disregard for his words, he hurriedly approached and halted her.

"But are you pregnant?" he demanded, his grip on her arm intensifying, leaving a bruise in its wake.

Jane, still uncertain, cast her gaze downward. She harbored a lingering desire to win him back and secure her unborn child's right to be acknowledged by its own father.

"Yes, I have been pregnant when you decided that you did not want me after all. But I did not know of it. I've never shown symptoms or anything." She paused, shivering in pain as weakness overcame her.

"I... Only have known when I went to the doctor's the day you had me..."

Before Jane could finish her words, her body suddenly lost strength, and she seemed to faint for a moment. Dean thankfully caught her in his arms. Jane looked up at him with eyes squinted due to her blurry vision.

"I'm taking you to the hospital. I don't want to lose another child," Dean selfishly uttered before Jane completely lost consciousness.

As Jane gradually regains consciousness, the voices around her become clearer. She overhears snippets of conversation.

"Yes, she's currently under observation, so we need her to stay here."

"Very well— but doctor, is it possible for a woman to conceive but not know of it? She says she did not show any symptoms and we can clearly see that her belly is not growing."

The doctor begins to explain the case of Cryptic pregnancy.

Dean, visibly puzzled, directs a question to the doctor, "Cryptic pregnancy? How is that even possible?"

The doctor, adjusting his glasses, responds, "It's rare but real. Some women may not exhibit typical pregnancy symptoms, and their bodies may not visibly show signs of pregnancy. It can be challenging to detect without proper medical examination."

Dean looks at Jane with a mix of confusion and concern, "So, she's really pregnant, and I had no clue?"

The doctor nods, "Yes. It's not uncommon for women to be unaware of their pregnancies, especially in cases of Cryptic pregnancy."

Jane, still groggy and weakened, tries to piece together the situation as she observes Dean in conversation with a doctor. The unfamiliar surroundings of the hospital room add to her disorientation, and she wonders how she ended up here.

As the doctor explains the concept of Cryptic pregnancy to Dean, Jane's attention drifts between their voices and the sterile hospital room. The doctor emphasizes that it's rare but possible for a woman to be unaware of her pregnancy due to various factors.

Dean, visibly puzzled and concerned, seeks clarification. "Hm, so she could be pregnant without showing any signs."

The doctor nods, "Yes, Mr. Castellan. It's not unheard of. Stress, irregular periods, and other factors can contribute to a woman not recognizing the signs of pregnancy."

Dean's gaze shifts to Jane, who is now more alert but remains silent. The revelation seems to stir a mix of emotions in him — confusion, surprise, and perhaps a glimmer of realization.

The doctor continues, "We'll keep her under observation to monitor both her and the baby's well-being. It's crucial to address any potential complications given the circumstances."

Dean, torn between conflicting emotions, nods in acknowledgment. As the doctor leaves the room, Dean turns his attention back to Jane, uncertainty written across his face.

Dean maintains his gaze on her as Jane cautiously sits up independently.

"Is it mine?" he questions, and Jane nods.

"I've never slept with anyone but you," Jane replies bluntly.

Dean contemplates the situation for a moment. He clearly isn't thrilled about it, but the prospect of having a child persuades him to consider it.

In his thoughts, accepting Jane and the possibility of their child seems like a reluctant acknowledgment of Kaitlyn's suspected demise, his ex-wife.

Dean, torn between conflicting emotions, finally speaks, "If it's mine, then we'll deal with it. But don't mistake this for redemption. It changes nothing between us."

Jane, still fragile from the recent events, merely nods, understanding the complexity of their situation.


A month had passed since Kaitlyn's full recovery. Unbeknownst to her, she assisted in maintaining Lucas' mansion, treating it as a routine rather than a special favor from the master of the house.

Kaitlyn sat in the living room, embracing herself and tapping her foot on the floor as rain poured outside. "Where could he have been?" she muttered, growing worried about Lucas, who had been absent for three days.

Suddenly becoming aware of her concern, she engaged in a self-conversation, "Why am I so worried about him? I don't even know much about him."

She whispered to herself, "Ah, maybe because he took me in and cared for me."

As Kaitlyn looked down at her feet, the door burst open, revealing Lucas drenched in the rain, with undereye bags that hinted at sleepless nights. She rushed towards him, touching his cheek in worry as Lucas leaned on her palm, seeking warmth.

"Where have you been?!" she blurted out, displaying a surprising level of concern, akin to a wife worried for her husband.

"I, uh... Sorry. I was just worried. What happened to you?" Kaitlyn asked, attempting to pull her hands away, but Lucas stopped her, holding her wrists, keeping her hands on his cheek.

"Yesterday was my mother's death anniversary. I'm sorry I did not tell you," he weakly spoke, closing his eyes.

"You've been gone for three days," she pointed out in a tone that conveyed disbelief.

Lucas chuckled, "I went to Phoenix," he answered, removing his wet coat.

"Phoenix? You're from Phoenix?" Kaitlyn inquired, her curiosity piqued, considering she had grown up there as well.

"Yes," he replied succinctly.

"Then, why did it take you three days? It's not a long flight from here," she asked, a hint of confusion in her voice.

"Ah. I have to deal with a lot of things," Lucas responded, his mood suddenly taking a grim turn.

Kaitlyn, seeing this unfamiliar side of him, was unsure of what to say and stood there, a bit surprised.

"What... things?" she asked, a bit nervous about what he might be involved in. Having been with him for two and a half months, she still didn't know much about his job or who he really was, given his special status.

"My biological father, who disowned me in my childhood, and the most powerful man in that city just demolished my mother's burial ground. It made me feel like I wanted to wage war..." Lucas paused.

"What?" Kaitlyn exclaimed in disbelief at his words.

"Haah... I never had the time to relocate the burial ground," he continued explaining.

"Wait... Your biological father, the most influential man in Phoenix?" She asked, realizing that the man she knew as the most powerful in Phoenix was her ex-husband's father, Zeke Castellan.

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