Prologue (00) : Unfamiliar Land

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(Y/n appearance here is up to your interpretation, he could look like your OC or even yourself. If you look at the cover amd read the tag you'll know that Y/n have the Rinnegan but he will awaken it later)

(And without further ado let's get started)

Y/n : Talking
Y/n : Thinking


Y/n Pov

Y/n : Ugh... My head

A splitting headache is the first thing that i felt as i regained my consciousness, my head felt like it was being repeatedly beaten with a sledgehammer. I tried to open my eyes but then immidiately closing them again due to how bright my surrounding was, i squinted as my eyes adjusted to the brightness to see... The sun itself blaring down on me...

...No wonder it was so bright...

I groaned as i slowly sat up, my eyes moved left and right as i began to register my surrounding. Before me is a wide field of lush green grass spanning as far as the eye could see, yet what caught my attention was something in the distance, there was a forest consisting of trees that cannot grow in the place i'm from...

Y/n : ...Where am i?

I lived on one of the many island located in South East Asia and as far as my knowledge goes those trees that i see in the distant isn't one that could grow on there. In fact, the trees that i see doesn't look like anything similar to the one i'm familiar with. Which is concerning since i'm familiar with most of the trees from my area.

Confused by by this I decided to investigate the forest and search for some clues on my whereabout and maybe a way back home.

On another note since when does my sense became so strong? I can't clearly describe by how much but I could see, smell, and hear further and better than i normally could. I could see a butterfly flying hundreds of meter away with precise detail, i could clearly see the pattern in it's wing as well as the flower it is on... It felt like i had some high end camera for my eyes...

Questions for later... First thing first... I need to search for information, if i learned anything from watching movies is that ignorance could lead to death. Especially since i'm alone in a forest... God knows what's lurking inside these woods...

After several minutes of walking, I finally reached the forest. I stared at tree and observed them from top to bottom... These trees... I think i recognize these type of tree...

Y/n : If i'm not wrong these are Oak Tree. If i remembered correctly these tree usually grow in colder area of the world or somewhere near the north... Finally those Geography class became usefull, countless year of academy training not wasted.

I raised my hand infront of the tree and touched the oak tree feeling it's rough texture.

Y/n : Seems like I'm far from home... How did i get here in the first place?

I sighed as i mulled over my situation.

This is bad... Very bad in fact

Y/n : Yep... I don't think i'm home... Or anywhere near at that...

I'm stuck in God knows where, away from seemingly any form of civilization and without any means of returning home. If i didn't die from starvation or dehydration i'll probably die from an animal attack.

Or in other words... I am in deep shit

I need to be careful, I din't have any food nor do i have water so searching for them is currently of utmost importance. I should search for a river or to get a water source, if i'm lucky enough maybe i could find a village or possibly a city... But then that'll open another can of worms... Will they understand what i'm saying?

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