Prologue (03) : GAO! & Dragon Meet Janitor

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Yo! Welcome back! A newbie writer here bringing another chapter of his dumpster fire of a fanfic, so school life finally caught up to me so now my update schedule is fucked beyond believe. I hope the writing in this chapter is as good as before, if it isn't then sorry.

So without any further delay, here's the chapter

Y/n : Talking
Y/n : Thinking



You know... After living with Hoshiguma for two months now, I could comfortably said that living with a female isn't as bad as I think it would go.

While the first few days are rather nerve-wracking considering that the both of us are so used to living alone.

So the sudden addition of someone (even if it is your best friend) in your house take some time to get accustumed to.

But overall, life have been good to me.

Currently I'm living in one of the most luxuriest place in Lungmen with one of the coolest girl in Arknights!

I'm literally living the dreams of most weebs!

Not only that but Hoshi pays for dinner since she had saved quite a large sum of money and was paid more than me so she felt like she should pay for the meal we ate... As long as they're in reasonable price at least.

Hoshiguma was quite insistent for me to safe my money to either rent a decent apartment or buy a place to stay.

Although I felt bad letting her pay for my daily needs... But...







It's free money so... You ain't gonna see me complaining~

Beside... Desperate time require desperate measure.

But still I felt like an ass since I'm just leeching of Hoshi's money, so I did almost all of the chores around the house and make sure the home is tidy and clean.

I sweep the floor, mop the floor, and etc.

It ain't much, but it's honest work.

Fortunately for me today I'm having a day off since there's a holiday of some kind, it's something about Yan I think... Something about Sui and the emperor...

But since I'm tired and all I'll just spend it all on sleeping or something...

Cleaning Ch'en and Swire mess is quite a tiring work...

At the moment I'm just chilling on the couch scrolling through the channels on the TV... It was mostly news and some action movies here and there, luckily for me they used English.

Most of the people here speak English but there are times where they speak Mandarin, the writing here also use other language other than English.

I recognized some of it as Japanese, Russian, and etc.

Oh wait... Their language had different names, if I remembered correctly the language in Terra are based from real world language but have different names

If I'm not wrong it goes as follow.

Yanese = Chinese

Higashian = Japanese

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