Prologue (02) : A Kind Oni

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Yo! Welcome back! A newbie writer here bringing another chapter of his dumpster fire of a fanfic, I've finally decided on the next few arc and I'm planning how to flesh those thing up. While I have a great idea in my brain my subpar writing skill would ruin it. But hey... I'm trying my best here okay!

So without any further delay, here's the chapter!

Y/n : Talking
Y/n : Thinking



To anyone that wished to be isekaid to a more modern world like Arknights, you guys could go fuck yourself! Living in a place like this is hard as hell!

I don't have any money and have no ID so I lived in constant fear of hunger and being arrested by the police!

I don't even have the luxury like my own personal bathroom! Do you know how awkward it is brushing your teeth at the public bathroom! It isn't pleasant I tell you!

And let's talk about where I bathe... The goddamn river!

I cannot bathe in peace knowing that some pervert could be watching me from a distance. Or even worst, what if someone take picture of me a spread them online?! The amount of embarassment I must endure is immeasureable.

The slums in of itself is also dangerous! Do you know how many time I got woken up in the middle of the night because of suspicious sound? Numerous time!

There was this one time I heard footsteps and another when I hear a girl crying, I swear if I got a ghost situation here I will jump out of the nearest window i see!

I live in constant fear god damn it!!!






*Sigh* So anyway...

A few weeks have passed since I got sent to this world and I've been doing... Quite well honestly. Yes I still live in that abandoned apartement complex, but at the very least now I had a home and a job.

...What? You don't believe me? I do have a job okay!

While it isn't something flashy and the wage is decent at best, but I still get paid and that's what truly mattered to me!

Currently I'm working as a cleaning service in a Lungmen Guard Dapertement!

How did I managed to get work here? Good question!






To be honest I don't know either, some guy saw me rummaging through a garbage can and decided to give me a job. Oddly enough they didn't seem to be suspicious about my origin or the lack of proper identification, I would've said that the police are doing their job wrong. But you aren't going to see me complain anytime soon.

The work enviroment is also good too, my fellow janitor as well as the officers treated me kindly. But sometime they do question my race, which would get awkward sometime.

Plus. This place is perhaps one of the safest place in Lungmen! So I don't need to worry about being attacked! It's like a two in one packet!

Scene Break!

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