Prologue (01) : Bumping Into A Star

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(Welcome back dear reader! This newbie author is bringing you the second chapter of this fic! The writing here is atleast a little better than the last one since now I have a prefered writings style! So hope you'll like the one better than the last)

(And I want to clarify that the story take place a few years before canon, how many years? Good question. Because I don't know)

(It's maybe 2 to 5 years before canon)

(And without further ado let's get started)

Y/n : Talking
Y/n : Thinking



Terra, the world where Arknights take place is a world filled with many tragic stories.

This is the world where people got cancer from rock and where people infected by this rock is heavily discriminated against, going as far as forcing them into labour camp and work till they're dead.

We are talking about a world where Child Labour Law doesn't exist and human rights is violated on a daily basis.

It's as if the world hated the very concept of happiness itself that it would even go as far as giving PTSD to everyone under the sun...

The big bad also had some sob backstory, I'm looking at the Reunion Ringleader in particular... It almost make me feel sympathy for all of them...

...But not for Mephisto... Fuck him

So certain death is waiting for me in almost every corner of the world, if I didn't get murked by Oripathy then I'll probably kicked the bucket because of some random shit.

Heck, right now I'll be lucky if I didn't die from starvation.

Y/n : Fuck... This isn't good...

I used to play Arknights a few years ago and was hooked into it, but because of school as well as other stuff in my life i stopped playing after about two years. I only remembered the first part of the story, the one where Reunion attacked Chernobog and then Lungmen before finally being defeated by Rhodes Island.

I vaguely remembered how the story went and only remembered only a select few character... But i doubt they would believe a rambling of a homeless person.







...Speaking of homeless, where should I go now? I have no place to go back to and no way in hell I will go to the refugee camp, not to discriminate againts the infected or anything but the fact that I could get incureable rock cancer isn't something I want to experience in the foreseeable future. Or ever in fact.

But being hungry and homeless isn't something pleasant either, so I either choose high risk of getting cancer for food or being hungry while avoiding cancer...





It's an obvious pick really.

Y/n : *Sigh* What a drag... Let's just head to the slums and think of something there.

If the slums is like anything the media potrayed it to be, it supposed to be a place where the lower class lived in poverty and the place where law didn't exist, but there are a lot of empty buildings there that I could use as a home. While the risk at being attacked or mugged is high i doubt anyone would rob me... Considering how I looked like a hobo in my dirty clothe.

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