Prologue (06) : "It's You!"

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And yet another chapter from this fic...

Ugh- I could feel my brain cell dying with each letter I typed to this chapter, and what's worse is that I need to do this again and again until I finish the story...

What? Just because this is hard doesn't mean I don't enjoy writing it it okay!

Humph, anyway I made another Arknights fanfic titled Arknights : Who Will Know?

It'a a Godzilla X Arknights fanfic and it took place directly on the canon events.

Maybe I'll make another fanfic about other things, maybe Danmachi or Genshin. Heck there's a Fate Fanfic in my draft...

So without further ado, let's got to the chapter now shall we?



Another day in the life of a janitor at the LGD HQ. Each day I sweeped the floor and ridding it of any dust that dared to appear, I wiped the windows and making sure that it's clean of any stain, and the usual picking litter off from the ground... It was a simple life... A peaceful one...

And to be honest a very boring one.

Like seriously, at first it was fine but as more day passed the more boring things get, you just go around and clean shit up. There's nothing really exiciting going on here...






...Well except when those two (Ch'en and Schwire) go absolutely nuts against each other.

The reason why they start thus argument could range from arguing who's better at something to completely stupid stuff.

Like seriously! How in the fuck did those two could somehow start an argument over which brand of water bottle is the best. Like bruh... Water is water!






Speaking of which...

Ever since I become friend with Schwire and Ch'en, they would often come to me and have a chat or just buying me some stuff like food and drinks. Schwire would sometime drag me to some cafe during lunch while Ch'en just handed to me some bottled tea and a bag of chips.

Looking back, after we hung out a few months ago those two seemed to have warmed up with me.

How do I know this? It's quite simple really.

It's the fact that now they would always rope me into their shennanigans, no matter how big or small it is they would always find a way to drag me and Hoshi into it.

Everytime they start a fight they would come to me and demand me to pick on who's right and who's wrong, the reason why they would ask me is because of Hoshiguma never picking a side whenever they asked her. So now they ask my opinion on who's right and who is wrong.

Another sign that they view me as a friend is that now they would listen to me and calm down whenever I try to stop them arguing before promptly blaming the other for being 'too stupid' or something along those line.

I swear these two could act like a brat something...

Now whenever Schwire and Ch'en get into a fight the people at LGD would try to search for me or Hoshi to calm them down.

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