Prologue (05) : Hanging Out

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Yo! Author here bringing you a new chapter in this fic! This time around I finally decided on how I will write this fic. I don't think I will rewrite the first few chapter since I'm lazy and I don't think I could rewrite that stuff... so I'll leave the first few chapter as it is.

Anyway without further ado, enjoy your chapter dear reader!



LGD HQ, Parking Lot (Night)

Y/n POV:

By the time Swire and Ch'en finished arguing it was already late, I walked out of the LGD HQ completely drained from what have happened in the past few hours. Hoshiguma (who was walking beside me) is also exhausted.

To put it simply after Hoshiguma cleared the misunderstanding Schwire and Ch'en argues an who's at fault, as you could've expected it lead to nowhere but more shouting and some slurs being thrown... And guess who's the one that need to clean up their mess? Me!

I swear even in another world my bad luck will always find a way to screw me over... Especially during my day off...

"Ugh, this day is just the worst... Is it too much to ask one day without those two doing something stupid?" Hoshiguma complained as she stretched her back, causing some audible pops.

She sighed and then turned her head to look at me, her green eyes met my (E/c) one "You hungry Y/n? Cuz I surely am"

I hummed for a moment at her offer before answering "Yeah sure, that sound nice"

Hoshiguma smiled brightly as she fished out her car key from her pocket as she grabbed me by the wrist "Good then! Let's go to Fei Hong!"

Before I could respond she excitedly dragged me towards her car, yet so I didn't resist because...




I couldn't... And don't want to...

Hey! Don't judge me okay! Who wouldn't want to be dragged by one of the most beautiful woman in the city! The fact that she's making such cute expression make it even more hard to even pull my hand away! I don't want this girl to feel sad or something along the line of 'not happy'!

...And also the fact that she's a 1.8 Meter tall woman that could easily lift me over her shoulder like a bag of rice and easily snap me in hald like a dry twig.

I chuckled as I let her drag me towards her car, she looked like she was ready to rip someone in half back a few hours ago... But now she looked like a kid going to the toy store.

It's still hard to believe that the terrifying Oni lady could act adorably and very sweet to the point of causing diabetes, believe me when I say this!








But before she could unlock the car door a familiar voice rang out through the parking lot.

"Hey! You two! wait!" We turned to look at the source of the voice to see... Schwire and Ch'en running at out direction.

Schwire looked dishelved as she jogged with an extremely exhausted expression as she heaved for breath with each step she talen, while Ch'en on the other hand... Look completely fine.

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