Author Page (Q&A and Suggestion)

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Hello! Author here! Since the fanfic will get longer update I decided to open this page, you could ask question and I will answer them to the best of my ability or you could pitch some idea that I could use in future chapter.

BTW this page have spoilers! A lot of spoiler! If you don't want to get spoiled then just ignore this page! We are discussing about the upcoming plot and other stuff!

So for the first few question that I know you would have in mind.

1. Is the story in a hiatus/dropped?
Nope it isn't in hiatus nor do I planned to drop this fic, though the story would go on pause after the entire Reunion ended. Because I dropped Arknights after finishing the first part of the story and I my knowledge about the second half are all from the internet, but I planned to write for it... After I played it at least.

Though the update will take longer since I'm having my finals, but I assure you I will still update this book when I had the time.

Update will be like one chapter every two to three weeks... At worst a month...

2. Who will end up with Y/n?
I still hadn't decided on a final pairimg considering how many waifu that's in this game, so I decided to give Y/n a harem. It isn't that big tho, maybe 3 to 5 girls? Maybe more when I feel generous. But the member of the Harem is still undecided... Except for FrostNova, she is a must have... Expect to see her falling for Y/n...

3. Timeline of The Story
I decided to put that the current story six years before canon, the canon story took place at 1096 so the year when the story started is 1090. There a plenty of things to do here since there are some major event that happened in this window of time for example:
• Babel was Formed (Around 1084-1093)
• Early Reunion (Around 1090-1095)
• Formation of Karlan Trade (1090)
• The 22nd Major (1091)
• The Lock and Key (1091)
• Texan Purge (1092)
• Siege of Babel/Rhodes Island Formation (around 1094)
• Project Diαbolic (1095)

Here are some of the thing that happened in the future that Y/n will and will not participate in, Y/n wouldn't stop Babel from falling and he wouldn't be present to stop Talulah fall into madness. But he will be present in some of these events.

4. When will the Rinnegan activate?
At the moment Y/n doesn't realize he have the Rinnegan and would be oblivious to this fact until later, though if you are wondering when he will activate it... Expect seeing it in next few months.

That's all of the question I have at the moment, if you hav anymore question or suggestion then tell me aight!

See ya later bruh!

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