𝘋𝘰𝘯𝘵 𝘗𝘪𝘴𝘴 𝘔𝘦 𝘖𝘧𝘧.

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(Mina's parts may be longer since I'm more comfortable with girls' point of view(s)!) 

Mina's POV: 

"Kiri!" I shouted from inside the shower; a few months after we did the dorm checks with our class, me and Eijiro started hanging out more often, like we did in middle school

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"Kiri!" I shouted from inside the shower; a few months after we did the dorm checks with our class, me and Eijiro started hanging out more often, like we did in middle school. 

He would start hanging out in my dorm, or his with his friends; but he always left without telling me. I opened the shower curtain and stretched over to the counter to grab a hairbrush, but I'm pretty sure the one I usually use is in my room. After not getting a sound back from Kiri, I figured he just ran off to his, or that spiky -haired-Katsuki kid's dorm. 

I finished up my shower a few minutes later and hopped out. I wrapped myself in a towel and cracked the door from inside the bathroom; he left just as I figured.

 I did my hair and fixed up, putting on shorts and one of Eijiro's shirts that was big on me; adding on fluffy socks aswell. I checked my phone to see a text from him, I sat on my bed cross-cross and read it. 

'Hey, we left to Denki's dorm; think we're staying here for a bit - if not, all night' - (10:58, 10 minutes ago)

I rolled my eyes and put down my phone so I could put on some lotion before turning on my tv and sitting in the dark, still picking and tweaking at my hair every now and then.

 I wasn't sure why it bothered me so much that he left without saying anything, sure it was a bit rude; but it affecting me more than it should. I couldn't help but text him back and show my agitation.

 'Yeah, don't worry about coming back tomorrow' 

I got up and made myself something to snack on; while I waited, I curled my lashes and put on something that would take my focus off the red-haired boy. I heard a knock at the door and ran to it, putting my snack down and fixing myself from the laziness of before. 

"Hm?" I hummed as I opened the door to see Eijiro looking tired as hell. He leaned over the frame like he could fall onto the floor and rest. I furrowed my brows, I was still mad about before, so I got on a pair of shoes and walked him over to his dorm, holding the handle of his door. 

"So not manly you idiot" I scrunched my face up and shut the door on the tired kid-like teen.

 I wasn't going to act like his mother, and I wasn't going to let him anywhere near my dorm-room the next day, like I said. The next morning, I got up and ready, brushing my teeth and putting on our uniform; heading to the lounge room where we all went if we were up early enough. 

 "Hey!" My friend, Uraraka called to me, sitting next to the group of girls we were all friends with. 

 "What happened last night?" Jiro asked. I watched as Momo gave her a look and I turned my head. 

"What do you mean?" I smiled. 

They gave eye contact, and she shook her head, now I knew something was up. 

Asui waved me over as she was sitting further from the girl, I scooted up to her side of the couch. 

"Hm?" She cupped my ear and whispered, 

"it's really nothing, the girls are just curious if you knew why all the boys were hanging out last night; and went back to their dorms looking so wiped."

 My worry washed away, and I looked back at the group. 

"Oh, no I'm not sure" I smiled awkwardly, Asui put her finger to her mouth as she usually did and started to think. 

"sorry- we just figured, cause your friends with Kirishima that you'd know" Momo added, gently scratching her neck in embarrassment. This made me sound like a total pick me - not the look im going for at all.

"Well, if you weren't there, and none of us were..." she continued. 

"Ew" Jiro chimed, and we laughed; clearly that was not it. 

 I looked over my shoulder and saw Denki messing around with Ojiro's tail. I jumped as Kiri's hands met my shoulders from above me; he was standing behind the couch talking to Midoriya, as Katsuki was talking to Kaminari. I slapped his hands from me and mean mugged him. 

"I'll be back" I nodded to the girls as I went off to my dorm to grab a few things like I usually did in the morning.

 Kirishima's POV: 

 "What's up with her?" I asked the girl on the couch, and they awkwardly shook their head

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 "What's up with her?" I asked the girl on the couch, and they awkwardly shook their head. 

I walked back over to Kaminari and Mineta; who were just talking about girls; though Denki was being rather respectful - well, more than he usually was when he was talking about the subject.

 I stayed away from that, since it was kinda perverted to be talking about other peers and hero's in that way; and when Mineta went off a bit, me and Denki ditched him to go find Bakugo. We all talked for a bit before heading out, but I couldn't help but think about what I had done to Mina that made her so hostile, she would never snap like that, and what she said last night? Not cool. "You good dude?" Sero asked. 

"Yeah, you keep scratching your neck like a dog with tics" Katsuki said, he wasn't as rude as he usually was, not when he knew something was up. 

"Yeah." I puffed my face; was it really that obvious? Geez it was never clear when All Might was upset, and he's like - really manly. 

"Yknow, just uh" I paused and looked around. 

"Bad sleep" I came up with, bringing up the night before.

 "Still? Your doomed" Sero laughed and put his hands behind his head. Bakugo rolled his eyes and walked ahead of us.

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