𝘉𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘈𝘸𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘦. (part 1)

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(POST festival - Mina's outfit in the photo above.)

Mina's POV:

"yeah, we'll have to see eachother again soon" I smiled into my phone. Me and a girl from elementary school were on facetime, since she moved out of town we never really got to talk; and I miss her like home.

"Are you free tomorrow? I think I can run by since it's Sunday and all" She asked and I got up. "One sec." I opened my dorm-door and walked to Kiri's, knocking gently. It sucked that we couldn't see eachother besides Sunday's. "Yeah - oh Mina!" He chirped, fixing the tired from his mood. "Hii" I sang as he kissed the top of my head. "Hey, and we free tomorrow?" I hummed. "Yeah, why?" he asked, resting himself on the door-frame. "an old friend wants to meet up, I was hoping we could go?" I smiled slyly, tilting my head. "Wouldn't it be a little awkward if I came along?" 

"No way! Her boyfriend is going too; we were planning on me and her leaving earlier since we'd wake up sooner, and you and him riding together?" I asked he nodded. "Kay thanks, i'll text you everything else; love you!" I smiled, pecking his cheek and running off, now speaking to my friend.

"alright so it's a green light for us, i'll add you two in a groupchat and you add your boyfriend so he knows details?" I spoke gently. "yeah, no problem!" she smiled and did so. We texted the group everything including times and where to go.

________________________________________________________________________________Assuming everyone is aware, me and Keslih (Kes-ly) will be leaving at around 8:30, and you two will meet us there at around 9, no contact before that; got it?



got it!


I couldnt stand but despise her boyfriend, he did nothing for her but put her down - knowing he wouldnt let her go without him though, so I had to let it happen. 


I woke up early at about 6:48, getting dressed (outfit at top), brushing my teeth and hair, then finishing by doing my makeup. I texted her a simple good morning text and she replied pretty quick, as if she'd been up before me. "Yeah, I been ready do you want me to head over now?" "I dont mind, I dont wanna wake Kiri up lol" "omw!!!" she replied. I giggled at my phone before gathering my stuff and meeting her far out front. 

I held back tears when I was her, sure we had just spoke on the phone the other night; but it felt like forever since I had seen her in person. I ran to openly hug her, my arms wrapping around her neck. "It's been like - so long!" I smiled cheesily. She returned the tight squeeze and giggled with me. "Right! Now come on!" she huffed, taking me by my hand.

I was sitting in my car catching up with her when I started texting Kiri.


You alright?

Yeah this dude takes forever though ..

Im sorry love, you cant really expect anything from him, lord.

No worries, more time with Denki!

yeah, sounds like fun lol.


I placed my phone in my lap and flipped down her car mirror to fix up my lipstick. "So are you still with Vonte?" I chirped. "Yeah, but it's getting better by the day!" she smiled helplessly. "Keslih." I spoke gently, my gaze starting to harden. "The last time he cheated was like 4 or so months ago - and something was going on between us so it really doesn't count." she caught on gaze and locked into it. "That doesn't matter you know I dont like him, plus he's no good for you and you know that!" I started, my voice still below a yell since I was in her car. "Mina just because you have some 'super boyfriend' and live super far away from me doesn't mean shit! You know me and him are trying so why are you constantly trying to make me hate him!" she snapped, bubbly tears forming in her eyes. I hadn't realized I was drilling, since I mentioned it on the phone the other night. She wasnt wrong though; maybe I just didnt get it, she lived in the U.S. New York, men and women were different there, for better or worse.

"Im sorry, I wasnt trying to make you upset" I confessed, trying to wipe her tears. "Im only upset because you're right. Im sorry for snapping at you, a lot going on with my mom and-" "You dont have to explain, I shouldn't have continued to ask." I nodded, giving her a side hug.

We ended up all having breakfast and chatting a bit about the future; past, and all alike. Once we left we headed up a hill behind a gas station since the sun was set perfectly in the middle of the sky. We all talked for a bit and relaxed with eachother. Keslih and Vonte really did look like they were getting better. We all chilled for a bit before Von rushed up to use the bathroom.

"Im glad we're all getting along." I smiled widely to the two of the most important people to me. It had been about 10 minutes of just laughter before I chimed in. "Hey i'll be back, I want snacks!" I smiled before being cut off. "Could you see if Vonte is in there?" she chirped and I nodded happily.

I opened the door and looked for a few candies and such to grab onto, a few thing I knew me and Kiri liked, and maybe some Keslih might like - it's been awhile.

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