That will be a bitch to clean

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Ochako holds the urge to punch her boss when he smacks her ass.


For the fucking third time that night.

"Good job tonight Uraraka. Though I think you would get double the tips if you showed double the skin" he walks aways from her cackling, probably thinking that he's the funniest man alive.

She looks down on herself, taking in her simple white shirt and black jeans that were comfortable enough for her to move around the bar area she worked at. It was four in the morning and the nightclub was closed, the only thing she needed to do now was finish mopping the floor.

Usually, she was always the last one to leave, but apparently her boss was in a good mood and decided that for once he should help his employees.

It had been a good night, money wise. Two football teams had decided to hit the club after their game ended in a tie, and had ordered so many drinks that Ochako scowled at the length of their bill when they asked for it.

For her, that only meant a night where she kept being whistled and ogled at, the players also taking the liberty to hold her hands and arms every time she handed them their drinks. It only took one look at the security that would always hang out near the bar in these kinds of situations and they would back off.

Don't get her wrong, her job at the nightclub wasn't too bad, most nights she actually enjoyed herself in watching the drunk people from her spot at the bar, the counter a barrier between her and the customers. It was her protection against their wandering hands and charming smiles. Guys would hit on her like she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

She wasn't, and she knew that if those guys saw her without the alcohol in their veins and the nightclubs lights, their treatment of her would be very different.

"Alright sweetheart I'm heading out. Don't forget to turn down the lights or I'll take the money out of your salary. That way maybe you'll actually put on a dress" he shouts at her, finally leaving.

She didn't understand his obsession with making her wear nightclub clothes to work at a nightclub. She was there to do her job, not to shake her ass.

Besides, her coworker Mina would already wear those types of clothes enough for both of them. Sometimes Ochako wondered if she had any casual clothing.

Mina was the perfect barwoman. She was funny, beautiful and she could handle difficult customers with a smile on her face that would make the rest of her coworkers jealous.

She was also a great friend, something she was thankful for since sometimes her friendship with Mina was the only thing that made her happy to work there.

But Mina wasn't there, so she had to finish closing by herself. Honestly she preferred that than to be alone with any other of her coworkers.

She puts away the cleaning supplies, grabs her things from her locker and closes the nightclub, making sure to turn everything off.

She unlocks her phone and sees that the bus she usually takes was canceled because the roads were cut off due a villain attack nearby.

Great, now she had to walk home, her apartment wasn't far away but it was still a big stretch, especially with the danger of shady individuals lurking in the shadows.

She just had to suck it up, hold on to her taser like it's her lifeline, and walk home.

Thankfully tomorrow she has the day off, both from her job at the nightclub and the small restaurant she part-times. She starts walking, wishing that she had a speed quirk like that hero that she never could remember the name, that way she could be home faster.

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