Stupid twat

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Ochako could hear the commotion near her building before she even saw it.
When she rounded the corner she saw all the police cars and even some journalists taking pictures of the building.
Although, when she got closer to the entrance and to the mob of people that were being held back from the crime scene by some police officers, she realized that they were not in fact taking pictures of the broken windows. Their cameras were focused and pointing to three people standing at the entrance of the building talking to her landlord.
The pro-heroes that were handling the scene, that, unlucky for her, were so famous anyone would recognize them anywhere, and Mr.Honda was having the time of his life talking to. Ingenium was waving his arms while speaking, his suit armor shining in the sun completely covering his body, although his helmet was off. Creati stood beside him, a complete contrast, with her tiny hero suit that Ochako always feared for her that she would pop a niple everytime she saw her fighting on the news. It has never happened, and Creati carried herself with so much confidence that people stopped talking about her attire a few months after her debut, seeing that it didn't bother her and it wasn't that much of a big deal.
Ochako's eyes are glued to the main attraction though.
Standing there, taller than everyone else around him, with his green suit that clung to his body in all the right ways and relaxed but confident posture, is the man that has been the spotlight of the hero world ever since he made his debut two years ago.
Deku is here.
The number three pro-hero Deku is here.
The most delicious man she has ever set her eyes on is in her crappy apartment building.
Well, that's debatable since she has seen Dynamight and Red Riot up close but he's still in the running.
He wears a mask to protect his true identity, just like some other pro-heroes, but that only adds to the mystery that is the secret protege of the hero All Might, that no one also knows the true identity.
It was a choice whether or not the pro-heroes wanted to let the world know who they were. Everybody knew Ingenium and Creati's true names and personal lifes, and they weren't the only ones. Once you debuted and decided to not conceal your face, the whole world would know your name and your life, no matter how hard you try to hide it, which was the reason why some of them decided to keep their identity a secret.
To protect themselves and their personal world.
"URARAKA, SWEETHEART THERE YOU ARE" she hears someone shouting her name.
She didn't realize she had frozen up when she saw the pro-heroes, and Mr.Honda's calling made the cameras turn to her. The flashing was blinding her and she had no idea where she was going, when she was pulled out of the crowd and maneuvered to pass down the tape that separated the journalist from the scene.
Ochako opens her eyes and sees Mr.Honda shiny smile "Sorry girl, didn't want to draw you attention like that"
She took a deep breath, to calm herself. Whether it was from all the cameras or to prepare herself for the conversation she was about to have, she didn't know.
Mr.Honda smiles and waves at the cameras like they are there for him, ignoring the pro-heroes that are now looking in his direction.
Ingenium is tapping his foot impatiently with his arms crossed, like he is about to scold a child, which, to be fair, is exactly what her landlord looks like. Creati also has her arms crossed but is looking at the situation with amusement in her eyes.
Ochako also realizes that Creati is the most beautiful girl in the world and she's fucked if she has to answer any questions from her. She can't barely talk to attractive people, let alone lie to them.
She glances at Deku and sees his green eyes crunched up like he is smiling under his mask. She wonders what that half of his face looks like, just like most women in the world, in particular a group of fangirls that discovered that he was here and were currently begging him to show his pretty face.
It was obvious that he was pretty.
As much as she wanted to let Mr.Honda have the time of his life and delay her doom, she knew that the pro-heroes had more important stuff to do.
"Hum, Mr.Honda?" she draws his attention.
It worked because in the next second he was dragging her to the pro-heroes.
She put on her innocent face and tried to calm down her beating heart and prepared herself to lie to the pinnacle of law enforcement, because there is no way that she would admit to helping criminals.
She had bigger plans than to rot in jail as their accomplice thank you very much.
"Sorry about that gentleman" he looks at Creati "and lady" her response was to deadpan him. He clears his throat "When I called the police I was not expecting that it would turn out to be this big of a deal. Forgive me for my enthusiasm"
"You do realize that people will now think that your building is unsafe if villains did use it as an escape route. Who knows what might have happened if one of your inclines was there the moment they crashed your windows" Ingenium scolds him, not believing in his care-free behavior.
Poker face
Poker face
Poker face
Poker face
Well, it's not like she was there in the moment, she just showed up later when they were unconscious.
Ochako realizes something when the pro-hero said that people might think that the building is unsafe.
"Wait, does that mean that you are going to lower the rent?" she asks him. She hears someone snort and she convinces herself that she did not just make Deku laugh, even if Ingenium or Creati or her landlord didn't show any sign that what she just said was funny to them.
"That's what you're concerned about, young girl?" Mr.Honda asks her.
She shrugs her shoulders "Yes?"
"You should be more alert that there was a possibility of getting yourself hurt, since it happened on your floor and all, not if there's a possibility for you to get cheaper rent" Ingenium scolds her now, like she's a freaking child.
She blamed all the events that happened in the last 24 hours to be snappy.
"Listen buddy, don't talk to me about rent when we all know that you live in 2 million penthouse or whatever. If there's the possibility for me to give less money than I need to, i will take it" she crosses her arms and glares at him.
If someone told her yesterday that she would be yelling at one of the top ten pro-heroes she would be mortified. Now she just wants him and everyone else to fuck off.
Deku can stay though, she could use the eye candy.
"Forgive me, I was being inconsiderate. I was only concerned about your well-being" he bows at her and she immediately regrets being a bitch to him.
She waves her arms "No, I'm sorry. I guess I'm still a little shaken up from this morning when Mr.Honda told me that some villains were just outside my home while I was sleeping" she looks at the ground in shame.
She feels a gloved hand in her arm "That's okay, I'm sure Ingenium didn't take it to heart" Deku tells her in a soothing voice.
The pro-hero shakes his head so hard his glasses might fly off to the sun "Of course not miss. I assure you that what you said didn't affect me whatsoever. I have heard worse to be frank. I remember when in my second year on the job a civilian calmed me a stupid twat when I was chasing a thief and and accidently knocked him down-"
"What matters now" Creati interrupts him, knowing that if she didn't stop him he would go on a rampage about all the difficult encounters he had with unhelpful civilians "Is that no one, including you, is hurt"
Looking amused, Deku drops the hand that was on her arm and turns to her "Now, Miss Uraraka?" Deku asks her to confirm her name.
"Ochako Uraraka, yes" the brunette tells her, feeling like she was going to melt when Deku said her name "And Uraraka is fine. I feel like an old lady when people call me Miss" she scrunches her nose to show her distaste.
Once again, he gives a little laugh and points to himself "I'm Deku. And just that as well, Mister Deku doesn't quite sit well with me" she giggles at the ridiculousness of the two names combined. He points to the raven haired girl "That's Creati, our best female hero out there"
"Female?" Creati lifts an eyebrow at him.
"Sorry love, we all know that I'm the best of all"
"You're still third"
"If you're saying that Endeavour and Hawks are better than me I'm going to flick you in the forehead"
"That's not what the hero ranks say, sugar"
Ochako didn't know that pro-heros bickered like middle schoolers but she was loving it. Her eyes were going back and forth like a tennis match.
Deku rolls his eyes at his coworker and goes on with the introductions as he points at Ingenium "And this is our stupid twat, we love him very much"
The pro-hero bristles "That is certainly not my name! I am-"
"Ingenium, I know" Ochako says "I know who you all are. The whole world knows who you all are so there was no need to introduce yourselves, no matter how entertaining that was" she smiles. She had feared that they were going to treat her like a criminal the moment they saw her arrival, and throw her ass into jail to interrogate her. But no one had put her in handcuffs and dragged her into one of the police cars so she assumed she was good.
For now.
Until she started lying.
Then she bet she will not feel so relaxed.
"It would be rather narcissist of us to just assume you knew our identity. But I'm sure you know why we're here?" Creati asks.
There you go Ochako
Don't mess it up
If you screw this up you will either end up in jail or in the bottom of the ocean, when Red Riot and Dynamight find out that you told them the truth
Suddenly the noise the crowd was making was getting on her nerves. Were they being recorded right now?
Still, she nods her head "Yes, I think I do. You want to talk to me"
"You're correct. We know that Mr. Honda already asked you a few questions himself, but we want to make it official and make sure that nothing escapes us" Ingenium tells her, waving his arms
She wants to tell him that the very things they are after escaped because of her but she holds it in, for her own sake.
"Of course, I understand" she looks up at him, in determination
"Excellent" Creati starts "Now-"
"CREATI" a shout comes from the opens doors of the entrance of the building
Creati tries to hide her annoyed face "YES?" she yells back
"WE NEED YOU PRO-HEROES OVER HERE. WE MIGHT HAVE FOUND SOMETHING" an officer yells from up the staircase, not bothering to come down and speak to them like a normal person.
"So unprofessional" she mutters under her breath "Well, we've been called elsewhere. What should we do-"
"I'll talk to Uraraka and you two can go see what they want" Deku says. He winks at her "Should be fast, since Mr. Honda said that it was nothing especial"
Creati narrows her eyes at him "You just want the easy part of the job"
"Or maybe I just want to talk to the pretty girl instead of dealing with those officers who don't know what a deodorant is" he bickers back.
Ochako nods her head, not fully processing what he just said "Yeah" but then "Wait what-"
"Professionalism Deku, professionalism" Creati whispers at him. She turns to Ochako "If he crosses a line, you have my permission to kick him"
"Wait, no! She doesn't have mine!" Ochako laughs at the thought of kicking Deku in his nuts. She would rather do something else to them.
Now it's not the time to have dirty thoughts about the man who might arrest you Ochako
Although she wouldn't mind being handcuffed if it was him the person to restrain her-
"I don't care, sweetheart, behave, or I'll set Earphone Jack on you" Creati warns him
Deku shivers "I promise I'll be good"
The girls smile "Good, now-" she turns to Ingenium, bit finds him gone "What-"
"He's gone. He sprinted upstairs the moment Deku said that he was the one making the interrogation" Mr.Honda says. She had forgotten that he was still there.
"I forget how fast and silent he can be. Mr. Honda, you should come with me, this might interest you" Creati tells him, not bothering to wait for his response as she turns around and walks up the stairs.
Ochako finds herself relating to her landlord when he follows after the pro-heroine without a second thought.
Deku clears his throat "Well, that was something. I promise that we are never that unprofessional. It's just a difficult case and I guess we're relived that we're working with friends to solve it, and we try to ease the tension"
She tilts her head "Why is it difficult?" she asks him.
If he was going to ask her questions, you bet that her curious ass was going to do the same. She wanted to know why three pro-heroes of the top ten were in this case and not some newbies like she was hoping for.
He eyed the crowd that was watching them and sighs "I'm sorry, but would you mind if we go to a more quiet place? There's too many eyes and ears on us" he smiles hesitantly at her, like he doesn't want to make her comfortable.
She would go whatever the hell this man wanted her to "Well, my apartment is right here. Does that work?" she asks him.
"Girls usually wait until the third date to invite me to their apartment" he smirks at her, she can't see it but she knows he's doing it.
"I would say I'm not like most girls but that's a lie. But since you keep on saving people, and protecting our city and being an overall perfect hero, i'll make it an exception just for you" she goes inside to the building's lobby, with him right behind her.
She starts to go up the stairs when she feels a hand on her waist "I'll remember that in the future" he whispers in her ear, like a promise.
A sexy promise.
Was this pro-hero really flirting with her? What the hell?
When she doesn't respond, he goes up the stairs to stand in front of her "Please don't tell Creati that I just crossed a boundary. I really don't want to deal with her girlfriend's murder tendencies. I'm really sorry" he tells, looking terrified and like he was about to kneel at her feet and beg for her forgiveness.
She laughs "That's okay, you just caught me off guard, that's all"
"It's okay like you forgive me or it's okay as in I am allowed to flirt more?" he asks her
She blushes and gapes at him, not believing what was happening to her. She tries not to smile, but keeps on failing "Don't you have, like, an interrogation to make?" she reminds him, putting her hand on her hip.
"Yeah, right, sorry." he bows and makes way for her "After you my lady"
She shoves playfully, wondering what would happen if she just pushed him down the stairs to stop him from messing with her.
It was difficult to remember Red Riot and Dynamight when Deku spoke to her.
They pass the officers by her entrance, the other two pro-heroes and her landlord listening to an officer who was holding something up before their eyes. It was probably a piece of glass she left behind on her cleaning.
She hoped it wouldn't give away too much.
Deku tells her that he's going to warn his coworkers where they would be, before he slipped away for a second to talk to them.
She's opening her door and walks inside her apartment, when she looks up and sees Red Riot and Dynamight also walking inside her apartment.
Though her balcony.
As a bunch of police officers and three pro-heroes were standing right behind her.
Red Riot salutes her, his movement waking her up.
She slams her door shut in her own face.
She turns around, seeing everyone looking at her.
"Everything okay?" Creati asks her
Ochako gulps
She was going to fucking kill them

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