Unwanted sandwich

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Uraraka is drunk.

Not like drunk drunk, but she feels funny and thinks everything is funny.

Two hours ago, the moment they arrived, Kaminari dragged them to the bar to get them some drinks since he kept on saying that they were late, even though Bakugou shouted at him that the rest of them were just too early.

The shots kept on coming and Uraraka kept on drinking them, to distract herself from the stares of those three boys who are making her lose her fucking mind. Every time she looked at one of them, they would already be staring at her, going as far as smirking and winking, to let her know that they were not ashamed or embarrassed for being caught.

She ignored them, because she will not go home with them tonight.

Well, if she doesn't find someone she will have to go with them because she doesn't have a ride and she's staying at their house but you get what she means.

Right now she's dancing on the dance floor with Mina and Jirou, all of them with enough alcohol in their veins to care about whether they look good dancing or not. So they just moved their bodies to the sound of the music, ignoring everyone around them.

Once in a while, she would look at the bar to see all the boys talking to each other, observing the dance floor, or watching the people.

She's having the time of her life with Mina and Jirou when all of a sudden she feels two hands on her waist. Her eyes widened and she looked at Mina, who looked at the man behind her and gave her a thumbs up, telling her that she thought the guy was hot.

With that, she shrugs her shoulders and keeps on dancing, putting her arms behind her to touch the man's neck and drag her hands through his body. He's not really muscular, but his biceps against her hands feel delicious and he smells good among all the sweaty bodies. She moves her hips to the sound of the music, rubbing herself against this mysterious man, his hands moving and exploring her.

Feeling bold, she wraps her hands around his and shakes her ass against his groin, and she can feel that he's already excited. Smiling, because all she had to do now was make him take her to his home, she turned around and smiled up at the man.

She didn't have enough time to see his face because the next second someone took his shirt and shoved him out of her way, and she's left staring at a strong back. Judging by the red ponytail, Uraraka knew that Kirishima was the one in front of her.

She jumps on her tiptoes to try to hear what he's saying to the man she was just dancing with, but he's so massive and they're surrounded by a lot of people so she can't even look over his shoulder to watch their interaction.

Then Kirishima is turning to her, and her man walks away, looking terrified.

What the fuck?

Did he just cockblock her?

She waves her hands at him "Kirishima?" she has to yell because the music is so loud but she hopes that her glaring is enough to make him realize that she's pissed.

He looks down at her and lifts one of his brows like he's asking what she wants.

She shakes her head at him and huffs, pointing to the other guy's direction where he ran off "What did you tell him?"

His eyes show nothing as he shrugs his shoulders like he has no idea what she's talking about.

Knowing that he won't say much to her, she rolls her eyes and lets him be, already searching the crowd for a new companion for the night.

The gentle giant has other plans, apparently.

His hands wrapped around her like they belonged there and did not intend to leave.

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