Prince Charming makes things go boom

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It was chaos

Her eyes can't focus on just one single thing, they keep moving through the whole stadium watching the fight happening as they all charge at each other with bloodlust in their eyes.

"DON'T LET THESE FUCKERS GET TO HER OR MORE HEADS BESIDES THESE FUCKING HEROES WILL ROLL" the boss yells out as he charges at Dynamight who was flying towards them, the rest of the heroes and undercover villains dealing with the rest. His underlings quickly made a protection circle around her, making sure that no one could get through.

She starts to shake, her nerves taking over her as their bodies hide what's happening outside her circle, and now she has no idea how the others fare, including the fight between Dynamight and the leader of this pack.

Putting her head down, she starts to count to control her breathing and to calm herself, trying to ignore all the noises of punching kicking, and slashing all around her. She had never witnessed a real hero-villain fight, only seeing bad recorded videos or shaky pictures on the news, so she had no idea what went down watching it up close.

And now that she knows, she would rather go back to not knowing.

It's scary, she flinches every time she hears an explosion, she squeals every time she hears a gunshot and her body can't stop shaking.

She just wants to go back to her shitty apartment so badly, where there's no danger, no fighting, no people trying to hurt her or kill her. She just wants to get the fuck out of here and go back to her miserable and boring life.

But she knows that even if she manages to get out of here alive, her life will never be the same, and she's not sure how to feel about that.

A movement really, really, close to her left makes her lift her head and she sees Red Riot just a few feet from her fighting the hybrids.

"PRINCESS" he grunts as two hybrids try to attack him at the same time "DON'T MOVE, WE'RE COMING"

A growl to her right caught her attention and sees Deku throwing hybrids away with his whips "FUCKING HELL WHERE ARE THEY COMING FROM"

He's right, hybrids kept coming from every entrance and attacking the heroes. But she does what Red told her and stays in the same place, her arms over her head.

"YOU THINK YOU COULD JUST TAKE HER AWAY FROM US" Dynamight yells as he throws explosions at the boss

He takes them, not even a scratch on his strong body as he keeps getting blows "I CAN DO WHATEVER THE FUCK I WANT! I'M THE FUCKING KING OF THE VILLAINS"


The wolf hybrid snaps his jaw at him as he growls, claws coming out of his hands and fur growing on his body as he gets bigger and bigger, towering over Dynamight and managing to wrap a hand around his neck

Her eyes widened as she saw his claws digging into his flesh, her breathing stopping as her villain struggled against the hold

"DYNA" she hears Red desperately calling out, no doubt fighting harder to get to him

"SHIT, KACCHAN, JUST KILL THAT FUCKING LOSER" Deku yells, to busy with the others to reach out to him

They ignore them as the leader keeps squeezing and the blonde keeps squirming, sending explosions to his wrists to make him let go.

He doesn't, he only holds him tighter, and Dynamight starts to choke as the claws start to draw blood from his neck, his eyes rolling to the back of his eyes as he keeps trying to push him away.

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