Hello new life

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Quackity pov

I stand in my now empty room, holding the last box containing all my stuff in my hands."Alex! We are leaving in 5!" My mom yells up at me. "Okay" I call back. I am excited to go, kinda. I hate the people here, everyone's so rude and condescending. Im exited to meet new friends. Everything wasn't so bad until some shithead at school outed me. Luckily mamá supports me.

I pat the wall and walk down the stairs. "Ready to go?" Mamá asks me. "Mhm." She starts talking but im only half listening."alright, let's go." She grabs the keys and walks outside. I get into the passenger seat and put my headphones in. Iris by the goo goo dolls starts playing. "Alex.....Alex!" I sigh and pull my headphones down. "What." Im not in the mood to have a conversation. "I know you're nervous about moving. But it's for the best. I would appreciate if you didn't ignore me this entire process." She says while driving towards the airport."K" Respond and put my headphones back on. We arrive at the air port and she makes me take off my headphones. Other than that, the airport is a normal flying experience. Mamá already has a car waiting for us at the airport. We went to a small building and got our money exchanged for the currency in the UK. We finally pull up to a house around 4am. "Here it is, our new home!" Mamá is very cheerful. The house is a light gray color and looks to be two-story's. The door is a deep red color that is found quite pretty. "Looks......cool" I say, unbuckling my seat belt. We grab the boxes we have in our car and walk inside. (The rest of our things wont be here till tomorrow on a truck) As i open the door, the outer mesh screen catches my wing and tugs. Oh yeah, small detail about me, im part duck. Theres a fancy term for it, but i dont really care. I have smallish golden wings and feathers that grow behind my ears. Oh, i have a small tail too, and yes, i fucking hate it. "FUCK!" I yell in pain as i free my wing from the door "Alex! Are you alright?" mamá asks me. "Yeah.....im fine." "Alright...and watch your language young man." "Sorry" I grab my boxes tighter and walk up the stairs. I pick a room at the very end of the hall, Its not huge, but it's not small either. I set up some little things and plug in an air mattress, blowing it up. I walk back down the stairs to speak to my mother, who's admiring the house. "Mamá, im just as exited as you are, but dont you think you should get some sleep? Its almost 5 in the morning, after all" I say.
"You're probably right, Alex. buenas noches." "Buenas noches, Mamá" I walk up to my room and flop down on the air mattress. I sit on my phone for a couple minutes but i feel sleep overtake me.

I wake up to mamá knocking lightly on my door."Alex! The trucks here!" I groan and sit up, checking the time. The clock read 10:15. "Alright, one minute!" I get up and throw on some clothes out of the box i had with me. This particular outfit was a pair of shorts that stopped half way down my thigh, and a dark red t-shirt. And of course my beanie, i dont go anywhere without. I open my door and walk downstairs to greet my mother, and we start carrying the things into the house with the help of the man driving the truck. After a couple hours, we finish getting all the furniture inside and have boxes of possessions sorted into room, not yet unpacked. Mamá looks at the time. "Oh goodness! Its 1:45 and we haven't eaten anything! Alex, grab what you need, we are going to find somewhere to get food! And please, put on actual pants." "Whatever" I walk back upstairs. My mother is always too concerned about what im wearing. Maybe its cause im short or something so she thinks she needs to protect me extra, but its a bit annoying sometimes. Regardless, i throw on a pair of black ripped jeans and tuck my shirt in. I throw on a gold necklace, bracelet, and earnings. I walk down the stairs and find my mamá. "Ready to go?" I ask her. "Yep, lets go!" She walks out the door and i follow. We pull up to a little cafe and walk inside. As soon as we walk inside my heart almost stops as i see maybe the prettiest boy iv ever looked at. He was really tall, with light brown hair with a white streak in the middle. He wore a yellow sweater and black jeans, with a maroon beanie. I stare at him for a moment as i feel my face heat up, i look away and catch up with my mom. "Alex where did you go- whats wrong? why do you look like that?" My mom questions me. "I-its nothing! N-nothing happened!" I can still feel the redness on my face. "Mhm, where is he?" "What? W-who?!" I ask. "You think someone in here is cute." My mom laughed. "Mamá!" "Sorry! i couldn't help it!" She continued to laugh at my flustered face. I eventually calmed down and we were sat by a waiter. Other than my mom making fun of me in public, lunch was actually pretty nice. The food was really good. We eventually drove home and unpacked the rest of our things.

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