Am i dreaming?

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Wilbur pov:

I get out my key and let everyone inside. Tommy and Tubbo immediately run up to his room. I walk inside and hold the door open for Quackity. Thats when i lock eyes with Techno. He looks from me, to Quacks, and back to me. He gives me a "Wacha got there?" Look. I smile awkwardly and turn to Quackity. "Thats my other brother, Techno. Hes a bit older than me. Techno waves at Quacks, but is still staring at me. "Alright, my rooms upstairs!" "Okay!" He follows me up the stairs and we walk into my room. I shut the door behind me. "Well, what should we do for the project ducky?" I sit on my bed and pat next to me. He listens and sits where i wanted. "Im not sure. It's supposed to be about who we are as people, but i dont know much about you." He shrugs his shoulders. "What would you like to know, ducky?" I look at him curiously. " not sure....Just like, basic things about you i guess." The duckling looked up at me. "Well, im Wilbur. I have 2 brothers and like playing guitar. Thats about it." I look down at him and his eyes get bigger. "Woah! You play guitar?" "Yeah, i do. Bass specifically." "Iv always wanted to! But i like my nails too much and they are too long to play guitar." Quackity holds up his hand, showing off his beautifully painted nails. "Woah, did you paint them yourself?" Without thinking i take his hand and look at his nails closer. "I- Um- Y-yeah! I did!" He stuttered out. I look up to see his face is completely red. I feel myself blush and i drop his hand. "Oh! Im sorry!" "I-it's okay!" We sit in awkward silence for a while. "Um, My names Alex, but i Prefer to use my last name, Quackity." "Ducky." I interpret him. He giggles a little and keeps going. "I like reading and stuff, music too." He's absolutely adorable. "I love music!" I say. "We could do something about music? make a giant record or something." He suggests. "Thats a great idea! He smiles. "Thanks!" I feel my face heat up lightly. "We could probably cut a circle of cardboard and paint it." "Sounds good to me, ducky." He smiles and gets out his sketchbook, drawing out a plan. I watch him instead of the paper. His tail wags as he explains what he thinking. Its fucking adorable. "I love your idea, but what artist should we put on the record?" "Conan grey?" We said it at the same time. We both laughed. "Conan grey it is then." He writes something on the sketchbook and closes it. He checks the time. "Oh wow, its only 4?" "Yeah! If you want you can stay for a while." "I dont have to be home till 7, So im okay with that!" "Cool! My phones plugged in downstairs, im gonna go grab it." "Alright!" The duck boy smiles at me and gets on his phone. I walk down the stairs and am greeted by Techno. Oh fuck. "So......your little boy toy still upstairs?" "Techno! For one, he's not anything more than my friend!" Techno interrupts me "Im sure you wouldn't mind if that changed." "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I grab my phone and go back to my room. "Everything okay?" Quackity asked me "I heard yelling." "Everything is fine ducky, Techno was being an asshole, thats all." "Alrighty." I sit next to him on my bed. "Do you want to watch a movie or something?" I look at the duck sitting in my room. "Sure, thats fine with me." I dont pay attention to what we pick. All i can think about is that im sitting in my bed watching a movie with the hottest person iv ever seen. After some time passes, i notice he has stopped talking. I look over and see that the duck has fallen asleep next to me. In my bed. Holy shit. I text Nikki.

N: What?
W: So you know how i walked home with Quacks?
N: Yeah?
W: He's asleep. In my bed.
N: Is it safe for me to assume i was right about you having a crush?
W:Maybe. But what do i do?
N Let him sleep? idk
W: okay-
N: Im pretty sure he likes you, just dont blow it.
Before Nikki could respond i felt something on my arm. I turn off my phone to see Quackity has shifted and is laying his head on my arm. Eventually he wakes up. "Hey ducky" I say as he sits up. "Hi.....Did i fall asleep?" "Yeah, thats alright though" I smile at him softly. He smiles back. He blushes. Okay, dont fuck this up Wilbur. "I saw that~" "S-saw what?" I gently take his hand, making sure he's conformable. His blush deepens. "That." I say, smirking. He doesn't respond. He just stares from our hands and back up to me. His ear feathers stick up slowly. "Awww ducky, your feathers are up." I giggle and he turns more red. Suddenly he laces his fingers with mine on the hand i was holding. I blush. "I- i Saw T-that!" He stuttered out and giggles. "Saw what?" I reply. I can feel myself grinning like an idiot. I gently cup his cheek and bring him closer to me. I feel him lean into my touch. Is this really about to happen? I study his face, memorizing the way his eyes look. He scoots closer to me. He looks at me with a curious look in his eyes. Like he was wondering what i was about to do. I wasn't exactly sure. I moved my thumb to trace his lips. I look back up at his eyes, to ask for permission. He nods. But before i can do anything there is a knock on my door. I jump up and run to the door. I open it. Tommy and Tubbo and standing there. "What do you want Toms?" "Can Tubbo stay the night?" "I dont know, ask dad!" "Hes not home yet." "Then text him!" "Okay, thanks." He walks away and i shut my door. I turn around to see a completely flustered Quackity sitting on my bed, staring at the wall. I walk over and stand in-front of him. "Are you okay ducky?" Instead of a response. He wraps his arms around the back of my neck and presses his lips to mine. Im surprised, but lean into it after a moment. I sit down on my bed and cup his cheek. After a moment he pulls away and giggles. His face is completely red. I chuckle. "Ill take that as a yes." He laughs "Shut up!!" I scoot back on my bed so im leaning against the headboard. He follows me and sits right next to me. I carefully put my arm around his shoulders and he leans his head against me. I look at the time on my phone. "I hate to ruin the moment ducky, but its 6:30 and you have to be home by 7." He looks up at me "Nooooooo" "Sorry ducky.i haven't even met your mom, i dont want her to be mad at me." He sighs and gets up, grabbing his shoes and starts slipping them on. He grabs his bag and i walk down the stairs with him. He step outside and he looks up at me. I kiss the top of his head. "Bye, ducky. See you tomorrow. "B-Bye! He starts walking down the street until he's out of my sight. I close the door and walk inside to see Techno sitting on the couch. "Ducky?" He asks. "What the fuck! Why are you listening to my conversations!" "Relax Will, im happy for you." "Thanks i guess. But he isn't my boyfriend." "No, but im sure he will be." Does Techno really think that? "Okay." I walk out of the room and back up the stairs. When i enter my room i shut the door and walk over to my bed. I spot something and pick it up. A small golden feather was sitting on my bed.

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