.....What just happened?

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Tw: Kissing

Quackity pov:

I stare at my phone, my face completely red. Wilbur had just finished texting me. Apparently i had left my notebook at his house, and he offered to bring it to me, Among other things. I have a mini crisis in my mind, trying to figure out why someone would flirt with me if they weren't interested. I get pulled out of my thoughts when i hear knocking at the door. I run to it and open it, looking up to see Wilbur. When i do, i also see one of my feathers. In his hat. Thats he's wearing. "Hi! I- Oh!-" My face flushes and i stare from the feather to him. "Hi there ducky, you like?" He runs his hand along the feather and laughs at my expression. "I- Um-......D-do you have the notebook?" "Of course i do" He pulls the notebook out of his coat pocket and hands it to me. "Thanks! Do you wanna come im?" I run my fingers across the pages of my book. "Sure, whatever you want ducky!" He smirks and i blush a little. I move so he can get inside, shutting the door behind me. He looked down at me and smiled. "What?" "Nothing, nothing" "okay then...." I walks towards the stairs and he follows me. We walk up the stairs and to my room, i open the door and stand to the side. "This is it, it isn't much but, i like it." "I like the way you decorate,
ducky." He places his hand in my hair and messes it up before sitting down on the corner of my bed. "Wilbur!" I try to sound angry but i giggle on accident. "Whattttt....i didn't do anything!" He also laughs. I grumble slightly and sit next to him, facing away, pretending to be mad. "Ducky~" I blush slightly but keep ignoring him. "I know you're not really maddd~" He spoke in a singing- like tone. I blushed a bit more but kept myself turned away, i felt my ear feathers puff up slightly. "Quackityyyy~" I heard him turn, he so was facing my back. I giggled a little bit, but tried to stop myself. "I heard
that!" He giggles slightly. Thats when i felt him slowly trace his hands up my sides. I turn bright red and i feel my wings puff out slightly. He laughs mischievously at my reaction. I finally cave and turn around. "There we go, done hating the world?" "Maybe, maybe not." I push the joke as far as i can. "Hmm.....alrighty." He looked at me for a moment. "How about now? Still hating the world?" "If the world is you, Then yes." I answer smugly and smirk. "I see how it is~" He held eye contact with me and ran his hands up my sides again, slower than before. I turned bright red and looked away. He laughed. "Are you sure? Cause you dont look like you hate me right now." He snickers waits for me to respond "Oh,
i do." i smirk and pluck the feather of mine out of his hat. He immediately shot up and tried to grab it from me. I giggle and scramble to the other side of the bed. He follows quickly, attempting to take it out of my hand. "Give it back!" "Noooo~" I smirk. He grabs my wrist, trying to grab the feather out of my hand. I reach up my other arm to switch which hand held the feather when he grabbed both my wrists and pressed them against the bed, pinning me where i was. I turn bright red and look away from him. he lets one of my hands go and plucks the feather out of my grasp. "This is mine, thank you." He snickered a bit and grabbed his hat, sticking the feather back in and tossing it on the floor. I stared at the hat sitting on the floor, specifically the feather of mine sticking out of the olders hat. "Why do you want that feather so bad anyway?" I got to sit up and he presses my wrist into the bed more. "Because it reminds me of you, and it makes you mad, so it's funny." I roll my eyes, blushing a bit from the feeling of his hand tightly pressed around my wrist. He smirks "Whats wrong? I thought you hated me~" My face turned red and my ear feathers puffed. "S-stop it!-" "Stop what? Tell me and i will." I had no words, i just stared at Wilbur. Not like there was anything else i could do at the moment. He laughed and moved, sitting over me, keeping one hand pressing on my wrist and moving the other to my waist. I stare at him, beet red. "W-what are you doing!-" "I dont know, what do you think im doing?~" He ran his hand up and down my side gently. "Wilbur!-" I cut myself off, unsure of what i was going to say anyway. "Whats wrong, ducky?~"I-....S-stop teasing me!" I stutter my words like an idiot. "Alright then."He shrugged and leaned down, connecting our lips. I squeaked a little, completely surprised, but leaned into it. He pulled away and looked at me. "Is that what you wanted?" He smiled smugly. I couldn't respond, i just looked from his eyes to his lips repeatedly. He snickered "I'll take that as a yes." He let go of my wrist and put both his hands on my waist. I carefully wrapped my arms around the back of his neck. My wings puffed out, as they do when im emotions are strong. "Awwwwwh~ your wings are puffed up just for me, hm ducky?" I felt my face heat up more. He giggled and pressed his lips to mine again. I felt my wings puff out more. He looked at the time "I told my dad i was just running over to give you your sketchbook...." I tightened my arms around his chest. "Nooooo.......do you have to go?" "Im....not sure....do you want me to?" I shook my head. "Alright.....ill text my dad" He texted his dad with one hand and pulled me closer to him with his other. "So......what.....are we?" I look up at him. He's a bit caught off guard by my question. he looks down at me. "Um.....i dont know.....Friends obviously......um....with benefits?..." "That works for me." I smile up at him. "My dad says he doesn't care." I grin happily and throw my arms around him, trapping him in a hug. He laughs and wraps his arms around me.

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