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Tw: Kissing

Wilbur pov:

Well, i dont know how i got so damn lucky, but im currently sitting in bed with Quackity, watching a movie, and i dont have to go home till tomorrow. Although i dont really pay attention to the movie, im more focused on the duck next to me. Also, we are watching a scary movie. Something happened in the movie and i felt him jump. I wrap my arms around him. "You okay?"' "Y-yeah! i just wasn't expecting it...thats all." He lays his head on my shoulder. The film goes on and something else happens. He jumps and buries his face in my chest, i blush. "Comfy, ducky?" He nods. The movie ends after a while and we just lay and talk. Well, we do until i feel him wrap his arms around my waist. "Ducky, wacha doin there?" He shrugs "Nothing." "You're doing something, whats up baby duck?" "Im just getting comfy." i laugh and wrap my arms around him. "You look comfy." "Mhm!" His tail wagged slightly.He suddenly sat up. "Oh shit, i forgot to tell my mom that i had someone over." "Is that.....a problem that im here?" "Oh no! Not at all, shes cool, she would probably just like to know. Ill be right back!" He went to get up, but i decide to bit a shithead. I tighten my arms around his waist, so that he couldn't get up."Uh uh, not so fast." He blushed and looked at me, a bit confused. "W-wilbur ill be right back i just have to go tell my mom that-" "Ill let you up for a price~" I cooed at him. He blushed more. I- after i tell my mom!- I-" I laughed a little bit and tightened my grip around his waist. He stopped talking and stared at me, blushing."you know what you have to do to get up, don't you?" He nodded quickly, wrapping his arms around the back of my neck. "Then do it." He blushed more and pecked my lips quickly."There, done" He teased. I laughed and pulled him closer to me by his waist, kissing him. He froze for a second in surprise, but leaned into it. After a moment, i pulled away and let go of his waist."Thanks ducky, have fun talking to your mom." "Y-yep!-" He stuttered before walking out of the room.

Quackity pov

I take a deep breath before walking downstairs to talk to my mom. Im a little nervous because if im not careful, she's gonna figure out that he's the boy from the cafe. And she knows i have a crush on the cafe boy. But.....maybe theres a chance he likes me back? No, if he liked me back, he would of asked me to be his boyfriend, and not "friends with benefits". I sigh and walk down the stairs. "Mamà?" "Im in here, amor!" I walked to where i heard her voice. "I was just letting you know a friend from school is over, and staying the night." She nodded. "Alright, Is this a friend or a "Friend" ?." She questioned me. I quickly turned red. "What! No! Mamà! Hes just a friend from school!" "Alright, its fine with me." "Gracias mamà" I went back upstairs and walked into my room, to see.....nobody? "Wilbur? where did you- Ah!-" i got cut off by Wilbur scooping me up and setting me down on the bed. "What the fuck?" i giggled. "I wanted to see your face." I didn't realize how tired i was until i hit by bed. I yawn and sprawl out. "You tired baby duck?" Wilbur sat next to me. "mhm..." He put his arms around and i hid my flushed face in my pillow. "Your wings are so pretty." I knew by that that he was about to touch them. I shot up "Don't touch!"I accidentally yelled. He moved his hand back "Okay, okay, I'm sorry. Why if i may ask?" Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck. Im not about to tell the guy that isnt even my boyfriend that if anyone but me and my mom touch my wings....I get...needy....."uh- they're just- Really sensitive! yeah- thats it." Wilbur raised an eyebrow and nodded. "Uh huh.....okay then." i yawned again and curled up in my bed when i felt to familiar arms wrap around my waist. I leaned into them "Goodnight, wilbur" "Goodnight ducky"

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⏰ Last updated: May 09 ⏰

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