Hello? Whos there?

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Quackity pov

It was around 4:30 when Mamá and i finished unpacking finally. I looked out the window curiously. "Hey mamá, do you mind if i go walk around a little? Look at the neighborhood? "Yeah! Thats fine mi amor! Just be home before it's dark please." I cant believe she said yes. I grab my phone and my sketchbook and walk out the door. I start walking down the sidewalk as i admire the pretty houses and the calm but busy street i would now call home. I walk for a while before i reach an old looking wooden park. There are a couple parents out with their kids, and i decided to take a seat against a tree and admire the area around me. Im enjoying the nature and sketching lightly in a little book i carry with me when i hear someone speak from behind me. "Whats a pretty thing like you doing out here by yourself?" I look up to see a boy, maybe a bit older than me. He has pale, almost gray skin and dark brown hair. He's fairly attractive, but not near as pretty as the boy from the cafe. I don't know how to respond and just end up going back to sketching. He cups my chin and tilts my head up, gently forcing me to look at him. I feel myself blush lightly. "You know, pumpkin, when someone speaks to you it's genuinely kind to acknowledge them. Im Jschlatt. Whats your name pretty thing?~" Oh god. He's flirting with me. What do i do? "I- Um- My names Alex but i go by Quackity!" I attempt to move my head but he has a grip on the bottom of my face. "Damn, nice accent." He winks and lets go of my face, sitting next to me. " Now tell me pumpkin, I would remember if i saw such a pretty face here before. You new?" I swallow before speaking so i dont stutter like an idiot. "Um...I moved here from Mexico 2 days ago." He smiles and looks me up and down. "Makes sense. Say, you got a boyfriend pumpkin?" Oh shit. He's actually hitting on me. "I- No...I dont have a boyfriend." How does he even know im into guys? Before i can ask that he writes a string of numbers down on my sketchbook. "Well pumpkin, Thats my number. Give it a call, pretty thing." Before i can say anything he's cupped the side of my face again. I feel my cheeks burn but im not completely enjoying this experience. He looks me up and down again before kissing his thumb and pressing it to my lips. He stands up and winks at me before walking away. Holy shit. What just happened to me. I mean it could be worse. He's fairly attractive and obviously thinks i am to....Maybe I'll put his number in my phone. Maybe. I dont know. I can still feel how flustered i am in my chest. Was he pretty or was i just surprised? Im not sure. I finish my drawing and walk home. I open the door and try to act normal. "Hey mi hijo!" My mamá calls from the kitchen. "Hey!" I try to sound as normal as possible. "Everything okay mi vida?" My mother questions. "Yep! Im gonna go to my room, ill talk later?" " Alright Mi hijo, te amo!" " yo también te amo mamá!" I walk up the stairs to my room, which now has a bed, desk, other random shit. I sit on my bed and pull out my phone. I type in the boy from the parks name and text him

Q: Hello? Is this the boy from the park?
J: Hey pumpkin, hows my pretty thing~
Oh my god. He's even flirting with me over text
Q: Im alright...Are you going to be attending L'manburg high school Monday?
J: You bet pumpkin, Senior year. How about you?
Q: Junior. Im 16
J: Ah, well i wont hold that against you ;)
Oh my, he's really committed to this.
Q: Haha....thanks
J: I have to go for now pumpkin. Bye bye pretty thing <3
Q: Bye
Oh my. What is happening?! What does this mean?! Is he my friend? I guess he is now. Fuck, Is he my boyfriend? I dont know. Do i want him to be? What the fuck is happening?! I rub my temple and try to figure out what is going on when my phone goes off again. Luckily its my mamá

M: Dinners done.
Q: Not hungry, thanks though.

I open my sketchbook back up to see where he wrote his number, he also drew a heart. Oh fuck, If he doesn't ask me out over text he definitely will Monday. What my answer will be? no fucking idea. I don't know how i feel. I mean yeah, he was fairly attractive, but i cant stop thinking about the boy from the cafe. He was far prettier than schlatt was. His beautiful eyes were almost like a trance. Oh shit. Dont tell me im in love with him. But what about schlatt? He obviously likes me, and iv never had a boyfriend before. I dont know....I really dont know what to do. I open my sketchbook and play my playlist off my phone. As i draw, the song too close by Sir Chloe plays. Ironic, considering Schlatt was definitely too close. I finish sketching random shit and feel my eyes get heavier. i book my things away and let sleep overtake me.

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