A familiar face

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Tw: this chapter talks about negative thoughts and self image
Wilbur pov

I wake up to my alarm screaming at me around 7 am on Monday. There goes my fucking summer. I stop my alarm and groan. I get out of bed and knock on Tommys door, making sure he is awake. "Toms? Time to wake up. It's your big day, first day of freshman year." I head a groan come from the other side of the door. I open it to be met with a pillow chucked at my face. "You fucking prick! Get ready for school!" I slam his door shut. I walk back to my room and throw off the back sweatpants i was wearing. I looked through my closet and picked out a pair of super dark blue jeans and a cream colored sweater. I get dressed and walk to the bathroom to fix my hair and brush my teeth. As im getting ready i decide to put on a silver chained necklace. I fix my hair and throw on my dark red beanie. I check the time and its 7:45. I walk back to Tommys door and knock. "Tommy? Just letting you know we need to leave in 15 minutes." "Okay" I walk away from his door and text my group of friends. Well really, My best friend Nikki, and her friends that i know, Karl and Sapnap. I text the little group we have.
W: Ready for senior year?
K: Yeah! :)
S: Mhm
I smile and set my phone down. I grab my old beat up vans and put them on. I walk downstairs and sit on the couch, waiting for Tommy. I check the time, 8:05 "TOMMY!" i yell up the stairs. "WE NEED TO LEAVE!" "OKAY!" He runs down the stairs and grabs our bags from the hanger, handing me mine. "Thanks Toms" I pull it over my shoulders and we walk out the door. We walk to Tubbos house and he comes out. He walks next to Tommy and i. We all have a nice conversation until we get to the school. I meet up with Nikki, Karl, and Sapnap, leaving Tubbo and Tommy to find thier friends.

Quackity pov:
I woke up early this morning to make sure i looked presentable. It was my first day at my new school. In this new country. I walk over to my closet and pick out a red button up and black ripped jeans. I have an idea and layer fishnet tights under the jeans. It looks cool as fuck. I tuck my shirt in slightly and walk over to my new full length mirror. I like it at first, but the more i look the more i dont like the way the jeans fit around my thighs. They are kinda tight and i dont like it.  I set my hands on either side of my thighs and press down. I look at it again, it looks fine. I move away from in-front of the mirror and sit on my bed. I dont want the people at my new school to think im a slut, but i cant help it. After a minute i get up continue getting ready. I fix my hair and carefully put on my beanie. I add my gold jewelry and check the time. Its around 7:45 but its a fifteen minute walk to school. I slide on my combat boots and walk down the stairs . I greet my mother and leave the house, Walking down the sidewalk until i reached the new school building. I walked towards it when i stopped in my tracks. Thats when i saw the cute boy from the cafe standing, talking to a group of people. He had on a nice sweater and some plain jeans. I watched him joke and laugh with his friends, his smile making my cheeks flush. We were all waiting for the first bell to ring. I pick a spot under a tree and l lean against it. I breathe and start to relax when......"Hey there pumpkin" I turn around and schlatt is standing next to me. I didn't realize how much bigger he was than me, not just height wise, but also muscle mass. He's almost intimidating. "Hows my pretty boy~" He asks me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Fine" i say. He looks me up and down. "You look great, pumpkin." He winks at me. My cheeks flush lightly and i look away. He moves to stand in-front of me, leaning an arm on the tree, essentially stopping me from walking away. He cups my cheek and brings my head to face him. I turn red and my ear feathers stand up slightly, this often happens when im flustered. "Aww, your feathers are sticking up pumpkin." He pets my ear feathers with his hand, still keeping a firm grasp on the side of my face. "You know punpkin, Your awful pretty to not have a partner. The people here will fight over you, im sure. Who wouldn't for someone this gorgeous?" He stroked my cheek with his thumb lightly "I might be able to help you keep some of them away" I know where he's going with this "What do you say pumpkin, go out with me?" I think for a moment, im not sure what to do, A man who is easily twice my weight is basically pinning me to a tree, and im supposed to reject him? "Um...Let me think about it?" He brings his face closer to mine. "Come on pumpkin, answer the question now" Shit. Shit shit shit what do i do! "Um....I appreciate your offer but i-" he cuts me off. He also brings my face closer to his, our faces are inches apart. "Now pumpkin.....You might want to think about your answer a bit more." He pushes me all the way against the tree, effortlessly pinning me to it. I start to panic a bit, not knowing what to do when suddenly someone pulls him off of me. It was the girl that they pretty cafe boy was talking to. "Schlatt! Stop being a prick and targeting the new people! Go get a boyfriend thats actually willing you whore!" She doesn't yell, but shes still very stern with her speaking. He looks from her to me a couple times and grunts, letting go of me and storming off. I feel my eyes gloss over. She turns to me "Oh god! Are you alright? Did he hurt you? Im sorry, hes a prick. Im Nikki." She spoke in a kind understanding voice. "I-Im fine.....Thanks.....My names Alex, but i go by my last name, Quackity." She smiles. "Hello Quackity! What grade are you in? "Im a junior. 16" She smiles kindly "its nice to meet you, Me and Wilbur are seniors but Karl and Sapnap are juniors too! She waved her friends over, The cute cafe boy being one of them. I try to keep my composure. She keeps talking "This is Wilbur, hes my best friend, he can be an asshole sometimes but he's pretty nice" He elbows her gently. Wilbur. Thats his name. God, he's attractive. And tall, so so tall. He awkwardly waved at me. "Those two are Karl and Sapnap!" She gestures to the two boys on her left.  Karl steps closer to me. "Hi there! Im Karl! This is my boyfriend Sapnap, he doesn't speak to new people much but I'll make him!" Karl was very cheerful, i giggle slightly. Out of the corner of my eye i swear i see Wilbur blush, but im probably imagining things.  The school bell rings and we all walk inside.

Wilbur pov:
Me, Nikki, Karl, and Sapnap have a nice conversation until Nikki stops us. "Guys, Schlatts at it again." I reply to her "Doing what? hes known for alot of things." "Harassing new people, probably trying to get a quick make-out session out of it." Sapnap snickers and Karl hits him in the arm, shutting him up. Nikki walks over and starts confronting Schlatt before we know it. Me Karl and Sapnap all look at eachother and walk over. Once Schlatt walks away i see the adorable duck boy from the cafe. My face immediately feels warm as i study him. His outfit fits him nicely and he looks adorable. Nikki starts introducing us, of course she starts with me.  "This is Wilbur, hes my best friend, he can be an asshole sometimes but he's pretty nice" I elbow her gently and awkwardly wave at the duck boy. Quackity is his name. Alex Quackity. He's much shorter than me, Id be surprised if he was much over 5 foot tall. It doesn't help that im 6"5. She starts introducing Karl and Sapnap, and Karl makes a joke. Quackity giggles and i feel my face heat up as i look away. God i hope Nikki didn't just see that. The bell rings and we all walk inside together. I somehow end up walking next to Quackity.

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