Woah....Who was that?

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Wilbur pov

I woke up to my asshole younger brother Tommy ripping the blankets off my bed. Tommy is 14, and a pain in my ass. As he's pulling off my conforter, i grab his wrist and stare into his eyes. "Listen you little shit, you have five seconds to fix this before i snap your fucking wrist." I tighten my grip on his wrist. Id never actually hurt him, but he doesn't know that. "Wilbur! Let go of him you prick!" My older brother, Techno, calls out to me. I sigh and half drop half throw Tommys wrist. "Sorry, i over-reacted a bit Toms, i apologize." "Yeah, whatever, fuck you!" Tommy yells, hes smiling though. "Are we still on to walk to the cafe later?" "Should be." Techno says, slightly monotone. Thats just how his voice is. "Can i come?" Tommy shoots up. "If i say no what will you do?" I say, jokingly. "Bite your ankles, bitch." Tommy responds quickly. "He can tag along" Techno finally says. "Alright, Now both of you leave my room unless you want to watch me get changed." "Ewwww!" Tommy yells as he leaves the room. Techno sighs and chuckles before leaving, closing my door. I pull out my phone and check the time, It reads 11:00. "Damn, i slept late." I walk to my closet and pick out an outfit. I decide on my favorite yellow sweater and some ripped black jeans. I throw them on and grab my dark red beanie. I walk down the stairs. "Ready?" I ask Techno. "Yep. Tommy come on! We are leaving!" Tommy runs downstairs and out the door. I chuckle and follow behind him. We all get in the car and drive to the cafe.

We get inside and are seated by a kind waitress. Me and Techno start talking about school and shit, He's 23, so he hasn't been to high school in a minute. Im 17, incase you were wondering. "Yeah man, Senior year is starting Monday, Im sure it will be a fucking chore." Techno laughs "My senior year was pretty calm, actually." "Damn, maybe ill get lucky." Just then Tommy buts into our conversation. "Wow will, 17 and still no girlfriend. Or boyfriend, i dont give a fuck." That angered. me, im not sure why."Shut the fuck up you little prick" I smack him on the arm and Techno shoots me daggers with his eyes. I roll my eyes and drop it. The waitress comes back and takes our orders before walking away. Me and Techno order iced coffees and Tommy gets a hot chocolate. Of course me and Techno take the opportunity to bully him about it. As we get our drinks, i hear the little bell on the door ring. I look over out of curiosity and am shocked at what i see. Standing in the door is a boy who looks about my age, but fairly short. He has tan skin and longish black hair, His outfit framed his body perfectly and he had small golden wings coming out the back of his shirt. There were also golden feathers behind his ears. I stared at this boy for a moment before quickly looking away, completely red. God, he was attractive. Techno noticed me immediately. "Wilbur? See someone you like?" He asked. "W-what?! No! Maybe? Shut up!!" I stuttered out. Techno laughs at my expense and Tommy is confused at what is going on. "Will, dont look but hes staring at you." "What? Who?" "Duck boy over there." "Techno! Thats rude!" I yelled at him, trying to ignore what he said about the boy. Maybe he liked how i looked too? Nonsense, he probably just saw me looking at him. I continue to try to have a conversation with my brothers when i heard someone speak, it was a language i couldn't understand and so. Fucking. Hot. I turn to see the boy from earlier speaking spanish to his mother. My cheeks flush all over again and i start coughing. Techno is laughing like a mad man and Tommy is still confused. "Shut the fuck up Techno!" Im bright red and angry. "Cool your jets, man." He says. I breathe and continue a random conversation with my brothers. The duck boy eventually leaves with the woman he came in with, i assumed she was his mum. We left not long after them and drove home. After getting home we all went and did our own things, Tommy left the house to walk to his friend Tubbos house. It was only about a block away. I went and sat in my room, I couldn't get the duckling out of my mind. I kept thinking about his laugh, his smile. His spanish. The way his outfit perfectly framed his slim waist and the way his hips and thighs stuck out. And the perfect shade of pink his lips were. Oh shit. I have fell in love with a complete stranger. I rub my eyes and try to focus my mind on anything els, but it doesn't work. Fuck, i hope i see him again.

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