I love you?

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Tw: This chapter talks about a trama and SH

Quackity pov:

I walk along the sidewalk. Thinking about the past couple hours. If this is a dream, i hope it's a coma so i never have to wake up. Theres no way someone like him likes me. I dont understand why anyone would like me. I mean, the people back home reminded me that nobody would ever love me. Well not for me anyway, all anyone will ever be interested in is my body. At least thats what i was told. And maybe they are wrong, but after being told the same thing to your face every day since 8th grade, you start to believe it. The farther away i walk from his house the more i think. And thats not a good thing. I really hope it isn't fake but why would someone like him like me? Theres nothing special about me. He's everything you could ever want. Tall, pretty, smart, kind. Im just me. And theres no way he likes me. I wipe my face and take a deep breath before going inside. I dont want my mom to worry about me. "Hola mamá! im home!" "Hey niño mío! How was your project?" "It went well, we picked what we were going to do." "Thats nice cariño" I walk upstairs to my room and shut the door. I sit on my bed and think about the insane day i had, theres alot to unpack. I made some new friends today, which was nice. And i kissed the hottest person iv ever seen, so that was nice too. But theres one problem with my day. And thats Schlatt. Im really lucky that Nikki stopped him, but by the way she talked, i definitely wasn't the first. Knowing his hands has been on me made me feel gross. Knowing he only approached me because he thought i looked good makes me hate the way i look. I can still feel where he held me. I decide to get in the shower to see if that helps. I get out of the shower and throw on a black t-shirt and my black shorts. Unfortunately, showering didn't help. I still feel gross. I feel gross for attracting that. It's my fault. I lock my door and just stand in front of my mirror. Thinking about everything i would change. I dont like how the shorts fit. I dont like how my jeans fit. I dont like how anything fits around my thighs and hips. Theres absolutely nothing i can do. I go from standing to sitting in front of my mirror. I shouldn't be doing this, i know it's making it worse but i cant help it. Back home, i used to not handle my emotions in healthy ways. I have some scars but i haven't felt the need to for a long time. I want to right now. But i dont have anything to do it with. I can feel hot tears streaming down my face but i ignore them. I pull feathers off my wings. It's not good either, but it's better than the other. After some time theres a small pile of golden feathers on the floor and my wings hurt like hell. I pick up the feathers and throw them in my trashcan.

Wilbur pov:
I fiddle with the feather that he left sitting on my bed. It's soft, but holds its shape. I wonder what his wings feel like. I really wish he didn't have to leave. Quackity might be the prettiest person iv ever seen. I dont understand what he sees in me, but im not complaining. Im pretty sure he only lives a couple blocks from me. I think about what to do with the feather. Thats when i get an amazing idea. I walk over to my closet and grab my red beanie. "He's gonna kill me" I muttered to myself, laughing. I fold down the sides in the hat. Securely, i stick the feather in the side. I cant wait for his reaction. I feel like im forgetting to do something, but i cant put my finger on it. Whatever, its probably nothing. I Sit down on my bed and spot something sitting on my desk. Quackity left his notebook at my house. I pull out my phone and text him

W: Hey ducky, you forgot your notebook at my house
Q: Oh shit! I have notes in that for a quiz tomorrow!
W: I can probably walk to your house and bring it to you if you would like
Q: Oh! Really? you would do that?
W: Anything for you, ducky ;)
I snickered at my own text
Q: Ah! Stop it!!!
W: Sorry ducky, cant help it. So, can i drop off your book?
Q: Yeah! that would be great!
W: See you soon ;)

I turn off my phone and laugh a little, i could imagine his exact reactions to my texts. I run down the stairs and walk up to my dad. "Hey, can i run my friend his notebook? he left it here." "Thats fine."
"Thanks." I smile at him and walk upstairs to my room. I collect my things and grab his book.
As im walking out the door, i catch a glimpse of my beanie, which now contained one of his feathers. I chuckle and grab it, putting it on. I know he's going to kill me, but i dont really care, it's funny. I leave my room and walk out the door. I let him know im on my way and quickly walk to his house.

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