Liar, liar.

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The majority of the morning it was hard to focus on my classes, and to be perfectly honest, hard to focus on anything. I had so much on my mind I couldn't focus.

I was over Zack. One hundred percent OVER. Why was he still on my mind?

My thoughts were interrupted by an intense stomach growl during the beginning of third period, and carried on to the end of class. Emily gave me one of her granola bars to munch on, I felt guilty how much I enjoyed the health bar. I stood by her locker while I stuffed my mouth with granola.

"Wow Tiff! You work fast!" Toby appeared.
"What?" My food filled mouth muffled.
"You really know how to hop back on the horse don't you?" Toby smirked.

"What are you talking about Toby? She isn't seeing anyone yet!" Emily shut her locker.

"That's not what I heard..."

"Toby what the hell are you taking about?" I spoke with an empty mouth, tossing the wrapper in the garbage can at the end of the locker row.

"Well Drew's telling everyone that he's dating you... Is it true? Move on already Tiff?"

"Drew? That new kid? Does he even know who you are?"

"Yeah he's in my gym class but that's it. I'm not dating him."

"Well you better tell him that. He probably doodles your name on his notebooks.."

"Don't be stupid!" Emily told him. "Who even told you that?"

"Rodney. He heard Drew telling a bunch of guys he was dating you in secret and that's why you broke up with Zack."

"Not even close!"

"He was going on and on about how he taught you how to throw yesterday in gym class."

"That's so ridiculous! I didn't leave him for Zack! That's a sick lie!"

The bell called us to our fourth period, where I sat angrily, snapping my pencils in half.

What was wrong with Drew? Just because of what happened between us he can assume he can make shit up and push me around? No. Not happening.

Once the bell rang dismissing us to lunch, I tossed my stuff in my locker and marched into the crowded cafeteria. My eyes locked on Drew. He was sitting around a group of guys I never bothered to pay attention to.

"Drew." I said heatedly stomping towards him.

He parted away from the other guys crowding the table. He alone walked towards me.
"Hey Tiffany, what's-."

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I yelled.

For a moment, half of the student body was staring at me.
"Not here." I spoke softer.

Once everyone began to focus back on their food and friends I pulled Drew into a small, sound proof, study room into the library. I shut the door. It's only purpose was to study, fortunately the librarian went out to lunch.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Just because you think you 'saved me' that night, doesn't mean I owe you. Why would you assume that? Do you think it means you can take advantage me and I have to go along with it!? Well your wrong! You asshole! Ugh! I can't believe you!"

"Whoa whoa! Where is this coming from?"

"Where is this coming from?!? WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM?!"

"What are you talking about?"

"You know what I'm talking about! You told all of the guys that I was dating you! That I was cheating on Zack and broke up with Zack because of you!"

"I never told anyone that!"

"Don't lie to me!"
"I'm not! I swear! I don't talk to them!" His eyes glistened. For some reason, I believed him. I believed that he was telling the truth.

"Who told you I said that?"

"Toby. Rodney told a bunch of guys.. Wait... Rodney..."

It all made sense, Rodney also told Zack that something was going on with me and Drew even before we broke up. But why?

"I'm sorry I screamed at you. It was uncalled for."

"It's alright. I've been called worse." He joked.
"Can I go back to lunch now?" He asked. I politely nodded.

Rodney. Why would he lie? I thought back to the day I met him in the school parking lot.

My head began to pound. I went to confront him, and thought of all the things wrong that could possibly happen. My heart thumped as I approached him. He was heading towards the bathroom around the end of lunch. I stopped him in the otherwise deserted hallway which would be alive in minutes.

"Rodney! What the hell is wrong with you?!?"

"Well my doctor said its genetic."
"You know what I'm talking about you dumb ass! Why would you tell people I left Zack for Drew?"

"Oh you didn't?"

"Cut the crap. I know you lied."

"Yeah, so what?"

"So what! So what!! Zack probably thinks I lied to him!"

The hallways began to crowd a little more.

"So what. You already broke his heart. It's right what they say about you, over dramatic little bitch."

My skin boiled. My hand balled up into a fist and brutally swung at his lower jaw.


I immediately pulled back my hand, my knuckles turned to a fierce shade of red. He didn't fight back. He acted like it was nothing. His hand touched his lower jaw.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?" I apologized. Even though it shouldn't have been me apologizing, it should have been him. It was uncalled for, and he could clearly kill me if he wanted to.

I then noticed a small crowd of people surrounding me. My heart thumped hard. Was it a teacher? Did they see? Am I going to get suspended?

Luckily it wasn't a crowd of teachers. It was a crowd of football players. Seven tall, muscular guys staring down at me.

"Im fine." He said quietly pulling his hand away.

"Whoa dude! Tiffany hit you! You got hit by a girl! Ha!"

They laughed . All accept one, Zack.
"Please don't tell-."
"Tell? Ha! It's about time he got his ass kicked! Come on Rod.. Let's find you some ice." Barry (second string) yanked him and the rest of the team away.

Zack stayed.

"We should talk." He suggested.

"Talk? There isn't anything to talk about."

The bell rang. The hallway filled with students, I prepared for fifth period.

The team listened to my request and kept the accidental punch quiet. I probably owed it to Zack.I could only imagine what my mother would say if she found out.

I trudged through the afternoon, which felt like a lifetime. I was excited when the day finally ended.

I parked my car and headed up to the house.

"I you broke up with Zack today."
"Yeah. I did."
"Are you okay?" He asked concerned.
"Perfectly fine. Thanks."

I walked into the entry way. My mother quickly approached me, she wobbled over in her silver sparkly heels.

"Tiffany! You have a visitor waiting for you in the kitchen." She said excitedly.

Zack.. Ugh, he's even coming to my house now?

"Zack, I told you-.I walked into the kitchen.

It wasn't Zack. It was Emily.

"Hey you! I had to beat you home. I have a surprise for you!"

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