Termonolgy of the apology

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It was a guy around my age who saved my life, jogging at two in the morning. He slowed down and approached me.

"Hey? What are you doing!" He sounded startled and alarmed.

He was dressed In beige cargo shorts and a grey Gap sweat shirt. Carrying a gym bag over his shoulder. Such a 2008 gym look.

"Are you alright? What are you doing?"

I briefly discharged the dagger out of my hand, releasing it into the golden sand.

"Go away. I'm fine." I demanded.

He could see the pain in my eyes. Which signaled to me he wasn't going anywhere.

"I don't think you are fine. Do you need help?"

"I do not and I would appreciate if you let me be." I roared.

His dusky brown hair was messed, wearing running shoes with no socks.

How could I trust this guy?

He scooped up the silver dagger in his hand.

"Then you wouldn't mind taking me this?"

He could murder me!

"What gives you the authority to do such nonsense? Give me that back!"

"How do I know you won't hurt yourself?"

"How do you know I won't get another one and hurt myself then? How do I know your not going to murder me?"

Don't give him any bright ideas..

"Exactly. You don't know. Please don't do this to yourself. Live is worth living, don't end it because your scared or angry."

"I thought I told you to go!" I requested.

"And why are you out jogging at two in the morning? I find that a little peculiar." I brightly added.

"Couldn't sleep. Thought going out for a jog would help."

"You're insane."

"What's your name?"

"Tiffany." I automatically said.

Why did I just do that? He could kill me and throw my body in the ocean, or stalk me. Then feed me to the sharks. My initial thoughts.

His warm, welcoming brown eyes stared at me. Almost as a comforting remedy.

"Can I have the dagger back?"

"Mmmm I don't think so." He tightly pursed his lips.


"Because you have a life to live Tiffany. Not one to be wasted."

His words hit me hard. Could this possibly be someone who cared?

No.. He was just at the wrong place at the wrong time and thought he would be a hero saving a damsel in distress.

"Take my words into consideration, Tiffany. Think of all the people who love you. All the people who care. All the people who would be devastated if you died right now."

"No one would care if I jumped into the ocean and drowned." I looked out at the midnight water, thinking of the pleasure of ending it all.

"I would."

"You don't know me."

"You are right. I don't. But If you need help, reach out to someone."

"Cut the crap. I don't need your 'inspiring speech'. Leave me alone."

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