Episode 2: Kill the Darkness

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts as we see a something coming out from the ground as horse-drawn hearse is riding as from the ground an earth dragon comes out.

Merchant: Whoa! I-it's an earth dragon!

He says as dragon attacks hearse but blade comes and cuts dragon's hand as someone lands on the ground.

He says as dragon attacks hearse but blade comes and cuts dragon's hand as someone lands on the ground

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Boy: First-class Danger Beast, earth dragon... A worthy opponent.

He says as dragon prepares to attack but his other hand is cut as other boy that is y/n lands next to him.

Y/n: Oi Tatsumi. Just hurry up and finish him we need to get moving if we want to find Sayo and Leyasu.

Tatsumi: Right

He says jumping in the air as he kills earth dragon.

Merchant: That was amazing!

Merchant2: You two actually took a Danger Beast down easily!

He says as Tatsumi makes weird face.

Tatsumi: For us, that was nothing. Defeating him was a piece of cake! By the way, I'm Tatsumi and this is y/n.

Y/n: Hello.

Tatsumi: A names that'll be famous throughout the imperial capital.

Merchant: You're saying you two want to make it big in the imperial capital?

Tatsumi: Yeah. Win success and fame in the imperial capital... It's every country boy's dream!

Merchant: The imperial capital isn't the place of hopes and dreams that you think. It's definitely lively, but there are monsters even worse than that earth dragon.

Tatsumi: What? You mean there are Danger Beasts in city, too?

Y/n: He meant people.

Merchant2: He's right. Humans that their hearts are those of monsters. The capital's full of people like that.

Tatsumi: I appreciate your advice, but we can't turn back now. We're going to make it in the imperial capital, and save our village!

Just as humans eventually rot away, countries collapse, as well. Even the imperial capital, which has prospered for thousands of years, is now a living hell of coruption. Evil spirits take human form and run amok, claming everything as thier own. These evils which heaven cannot judge... They will be dealt with in the darkness. By us...

 By us

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