Episode 20: Kill the Fate.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts as we can see Akame wanted poster.

Wave: Even after thorough searching, how are we still unable to find their hideout?

Suzuka: Well, Kyoroch is a pretty big place. And people here are religious and peaceful, so we can't easily force them out into the open.

She says as camera switches as Seryu is playing football with kids as she tosses the ball to them.

Seryu: Here...

She says kicking the ball.

Seryu: They're so cute... These children have yet to be tainted by evil! I wonder how mine and y/n's kid would look like.

She says as she goes back to playing with kids.

Suzuka:: I see, so she has another side.

Wave: She's been tense for a while. The captain told her to loosen up a bit. Hold up, you're hanging out, like you're one of us... But are you?

Suzuka: Hmm, more like a helping hand? And it's a chance for me to be ordered around by General Esdeath.

She then starts laughing a little crazy but quietly.

Wave: What am I sensing? It's the same feeling I got from Stylish.

Seryu: Everyone, play fair, be decent, and get along with one another.

Kids: Okay!

They say running back playing.

Seryu: The joy of a child choosing the path of justice! This morality, this justice... I have to protect it.

She says placing hand on her head.

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter for part 2)

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Episode 20: Kill the Fate.

The camera now switches to Night Raid temperorar base.

Akame: And that's all the information from our spies.

Najenda: We're executing our plans during the religious organization's anniversary festival.

Leone: Ah, how flashy.

Najenda: We'll slip into the festival crowds, sneak into the palace, and take down Borick.

Y/n: It's finally time.

Najenda: This will signal the Revolutionary Army to rise up. Failure is not an option!

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