Episode 4: Kill the Grudge

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts as we see Night Raid with y/n and delta running through the forest.

Najenda: How many, intruders, and where are they?

Lubbock: According to my barrier's signal, apparently fithteen. They're all in the victinity of our base.

He says as camera switches back to base before they go to mission.

Najenda: I have to commend then for sniffing this place out. They're probably assassins from one of the surrounding tribes. Move out. Do not let any escape.

Delta: Boss, let's join to i want to hunt them.

Y/n: Alright.

He says as camera switches back to present as they disperse. As camera goes to Tatsumi and Bulat.

Bulat: You still aren't used to combat with groups. Don't push yourself! First, you should concentrate on gaining first-hand battlefield experience.

Tatsumi: Right.

Bulat: Also, when you refer to me, call me "Bro" or "Handsome".

Tatsumi: Got it, Bro.

Bulat: All right! That feels great! In return, I'll show you something awsome.

He says standing as he takes a breathe and yells.

Bulat: Incursio!

Tatsumi: Whoa, amazing!

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Tatsumi: Whoa, amazing!

Bulat: Right? This is Imperial Arm Incursio.

Tatsumi: Imperial arm? I don't really get it, but i'm fired up!

Bulat: Oh you understand its awsomeness?

He as they start feeling enemies.

Tatsumi: The enemy.

Bulat: Let's go. Be sure to take a good look at the Imperial Arm's power.

Tatsumi: Right.

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

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