Side Chapter: Y/n's first atomic.

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The scene starts in y/n house as he's resting after exhousted patrol as there's a male kid with white hair and grey eyes as Esdeath walks in and sees the scene as she laughs a little.

Esdeath: You won't let daddy sleep Satoru.

Satoru: No, we won't!

Esdeath: We?

She says as she looks up and sees a little girl with black hair and red eyes as she falls down kicking y/n in stomach waking him up.

Y/n: Oi! What did I tell about waking me up that way, Rose!

Rose: Sorry Papa. But you forgot to tell us a story again.

She says as Esdeath laughs while y/n is dumbfouded as he sighs.

Y/n: Alright. Fine get the rest.

Rose/Satoru: Yay.

They say rushing out almost bumping into Akame as she was walking with Alpha next to her.

Akame: They really enjoy his stories.

Alpha: Yeah.

She says as there are 4 more kids coming from upstairs of house as there are 3 girls each with one of them having dog like ears and tail while the other girls is blond hair and grey eyes as she's the oldest of children, while another girl almost the same high as the oldest has purple hair. while the boy has red hair and grey eyes as they go to the living room while y/n sits on a chair.

Y/n: Alright, is everyone here?

Kids: Yes!

They say while y/n's girls are standing behind kids.

Y/n: Then let me tell you a story about the first time I used my most powerful attack.

He says while the kid with with hair puts her hand up.

Y/n: Yes, Alexia.

Alexia: You mean your first atomic, yeah?

Y/n: Correct and it was actully when i was saving Akame. So listen closely.

He says camera shows Akame smiling as she remebers that day as it was day y/n saved her.

(Flashback and stop music)

The scene now switches into the woods as the sound of sword clashing is heard as camera shows Akame fighting against an old man

The scene now switches into the woods as the sound of sword clashing is heard as camera shows Akame fighting against an old man

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