Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts in the sky as we see Night Raid with y/n, seven shades and new member on manta danger Beast flying somewhere.

Tatsumi: Whoa! Awesome! This feels great!

Girl: Hahaha. For an assassin, you're ridiculously innocent, Tatsumi. You're pretty entertaining, thought.

Y/n: I know right.

Tatsumi: Says the guy thanks to who we also have to change base because of explosion you caussed killing that guy.

Y/n: Hey.

Leone: Man, this is a lot more fun than I expected!

Akame: Good.

Meawhile Lubbock and Mine are not the funs of flying as they shiver in fear of highs.

Mine: This isn't good at all!

(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)

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Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.

Najenda: The Danger Beasts that inhabit these Marg Highlands are of a high level, and the area is mostly unexplored by humans. That's why it's perfect for concealment. As a place suitable for our new base, i'm having the Revolutionary Army scouts look for a place around the capital. Until then, I guess we'll be leveling up here.

Y/n: You know you could just go to our base and level up there.

Najenda: I know but shadow Garden have done so much already for us, and we don't want to demand more.

Y/n: Alright.

He says as then the manta starts flying away.

Mine: Huh? It left. You're okay with that?

Girl: I'm sure it's returning to its nest, back at headquarters. I guess you can't even figure that out, Mine. Hahahaha.

Mine: She pisses me off.

Mine: She pisses me off

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