Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the power he got he will try to change the fate of world from the shadows.
Y/n: My name is Shadow: he who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadows.
The scene starts in the sky as we see Night Raid with y/n, seven shades and new member on manta danger Beast flying somewhere.
Tatsumi: Whoa! Awesome! This feels great!
Girl: Hahaha. For an assassin, you're ridiculously innocent, Tatsumi. You're pretty entertaining, thought.
Y/n: I know right.
Tatsumi: Says the guy thanks to who we also have to change base because of explosion you caussed killing that guy.
Y/n: Hey.
Leone: Man, this is a lot more fun than I expected!
Akame: Good.
Meawhile Lubbock and Mine are not the funs of flying as they shiver in fear of highs.
Mine: This isn't good at all!
(A/n opening music here or opening chapter)
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Episode 13: Kill the Newcomers.
Najenda: The Danger Beasts that inhabit these Marg Highlands are of a high level, and the area is mostly unexplored by humans. That's why it's perfect for concealment. As a place suitable for our new base, i'm having the Revolutionary Army scouts look for a place around the capital. Until then, I guess we'll be leveling up here.
Y/n: You know you could just go to our base and level up there.
Najenda: I know but shadow Garden have done so much already for us, and we don't want to demand more.
Y/n: Alright.
He says as then the manta starts flying away.
Mine: Huh? It left. You're okay with that?
Girl: I'm sure it's returning to its nest, back at headquarters. I guess you can't even figure that out, Mine. Hahahaha.
Mine: She pisses me off.
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