Episode 11: Kill the Temptation.

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(3rd pov)

The scene starts in the forest as we see Jaegers.

Bols: Is this it, the bandits' fortress?

Stylish: That's right. Our first major mission as the Jeagers is to bring this place down.

Run: What's our strategy?

Seryu: Justice should boldly launch an up-front attack!

Meawhile on cliff we can see y/n with Esdeath next to him.

Y/n: Um, why am I here, too?

Esdeath: you're a backup Jeager member. Observing their operation will be good for you.

She says as y/n spots Seryu.

Y/n: Weird i healed her arms so why is she having those robotic ones. But more importantly i need to find a way to get out of here. Wait a second... I could escape now.

He says as he then spots that Esdeath is grabing his hand.

Y/n: Alright its time to try out the techinique that my friend before reincarnation thought me. Here I go.

(A/n just the hand and later cid's face expression)

(A/n just the hand and later cid's face expression)

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Y/n: How strong is her god damn grip.

Just then camera switches to fortress as the alarm goes on as camera then switches to the entrance as the guards point their weapons at the Jeagers.

Guard: You have some nerve, attacking the front entrance!

Seryu: Coro, number five.

Seryu: Coro, number five

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Guard: Kill them!

They say rushing as Coro gives Seryu a giant drill.

Seryu: Judgment of the Ten Kings... Emma's Spear of Justice!

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