Y/n L/n died and was reincarnated in the world of Akame ga kill! With the knowledge of the world and the power he got he will try to change the fate of world from the shadows.
Y/n: My name is Shadow: he who lurks in the shadows to hunt the shadows.
(A/n opening music here or opening chapter for part 2)
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Episode 23: Highest (part 1).
The scene starts in palace as Tatsumi, Wave, Leone, Akame and Kurome arrived through the floor as Leone breaks it.
Leone: Bingo! This area is poorly constructed, just like we thought.
Tatsumi: It's exactly how Lubba mapped it.
Wave: I need to admit he did great work.
He says as they rush towards main room defeating guards that are in the way. As they arrive in giant hall.
Guard: Night Raid and Jeagers.
Akame: We don't wish to kill any more than necessary. Those of you who aren't ready to die, leave.
Guard: That isn't an option!
Leone: As expected, the guards protecting the interior are more determined.
Kurome: We have no choice but to kill them.
Wave: Guards you won't be able to handle this. Just stand back and leave for your own good.
He says as some of the guards leave and those who stayed were knocked out. As camera switches to Emperor room.
Emperor: Minister, how's the war progressing?
Minister: It isn't favorable. Against the pompous rebel army, our soliders are withering.
Emperor: A rebellion... Have I governed them poorly?
Minister: Not at all. Even after your parents passed, you've upheld your position as emperor splendidly. And I've been with you this whole time. Assuredly, you've made no mistakes.
Emperor: Th-That's true. You've always been by my side.
Minister: Heh. Your Excellency, the citizens are being swayed by nonsense, a nonsense they call rebellion. You must make an example of these traitors. Blood will be spilled. But as emperor, you must be fierce! This pointless rebellion will settle down once you demonstrate your authority. Now, let's be on our way.
Just then behind minister door broken they have been destroyed by Tatsumi, Wave and Leone.