Part 2

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                                                                                           Y/N POV

The Next Day

You ran and ran, daring not to look behind you when suddenly, you tripped on a small stone. Which caused you to fall on your face as you quickly descended the hill.


You groaned as you opened your eyes slowly but all you could see was a tree. You felt pressure on your neck, as you looked up you saw that your head was stuck between the rims of a ladder going up a tree.

You struggled to pull your head out, You kept trying, and when it wasn't getting unstuck you began to panic. You wanted to scream for help but you knew you couldn't. You slowly began to calm down as you took in a deep breath and pulled. You heard creaking as the wood was beginning to break. 


Suddenly the 2 rims that trapped your head broke freeing it. You flew back a little. As you got up and walked toward the ladder you began to get curious. 

You looked up at the tree house in awe, marveling at how it seemed to blend seamlessly with the towering oak tree. You've never actually seen one in person until now.

The ladder leading up to the tree house looked sturdy enough, but you couldn't help feeling a little nervous as you approached it. What if you fell? What if the ladder broke? Taking a deep breath, you began to climb. The rungs of the ladder felt cold and rough beneath your hands, but you kept climbing until you finally reached the top. As you stepped onto the wooden platform of the tree house, you felt a rush of excitement. The view from up here was amazing - you could see for miles in every direction. You explored the tree house, taking in every detail.  

You walked further into the room and noticed a TV sitting on a dresser. You couldn't believe your luck - you hadn't ever seen a TV before.

For a moment, you just stood there, taking it all in. You felt a sense of peace and contentment wash over you as if this tree house were your private sanctuary.

Y/N (Mentally): "This is amazing. I wish I could stay up here forever."

You enter another room You look around the room and notice that you are in a small kitchen. The smell of freshly baked bread filled the air, making your stomach growl in hunger. You saw a loaf of bread sitting on the counter, and you couldn't resist the temptation to take a slice. You took a bite and savored the warm, yeasty flavor. It was delicious.

  You decided to take a look in the fridge. Opening the fridge, you saw an array of food options: sandwiches, fruits, vegetables, and even some sweets.  You took a sandwich and a bottle of water and sat down at the small table in the kitchen. As you ate your sandwich, you looked out the window and saw the beautiful scenery outside. The sun was shining, and the birds were chirping. You felt a sense of peace and happiness wash over you, and you realized that this was exactly what you needed.Y/N (Mentally): "I don't know who left all this food here. This is just what I needed after all the running and hiding."

You walk out of the kitchen back into the living room and walk into another doorway revealing a bedroom. Nothing too special there was a bunk bed with the top one looking very tidy but the bottom bunk was messed up, you saw claw marks in the mattress as well as the pillows and blanket on the ground. There was a little mattress in the corner of the room it looked almost the size of you.

Y/N (Mentally): "Looks like theirs dog fur on it"

You pick up the hair and inspect it as you bring it close to your face you grimace. "Yep definitely dog hair"

You walked into the Living room when you suddenly heard voices coming from outside the treehouse.

???: Carol did you do this you were the last one to go down the ladder? 

???2: No Lilac I didn't.

???3: Guys I smell someone else here.

???2: "That means someone is in the house, Guys stay here I'll take care of them."

Your panic surged through you as you looked around for somewhere to hide

Y/N (Mentally): "Oh no!!!! Oh no!!!! Oh no!!!!!, Where do I go!!!!!"

Your eyes darted around looking for a hiding spot when the person who said they were coming up was moments away from climbing up the last rim. You spotted the couch and quickly dove under it as you held your breath and waited. 

???2: "Hiiii YA!!!!", They said as they backflipped into the room. "Right I know you're in here come on out so I can give you the punishment you deserve"

You held your breath as the person began to walk around searching for you.

After minutes of silence, you heard the fridge open followed by an angry voice.

???2: "THEY ATE MY SANDWICH!!!!! Oh now they gonna get it"

You hear their footsteps walk back into the living room.

???2: Huh? What's that? 

You suddenly feel a tug on your tail as you realize your tail is sticking out from underneath the couch. 

You were then suddenly yanked out of your hiding spot by your tail.

"Why hello their sandwich thief...

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