Part 5

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 (A/N sorry for not updating for a few days my moms been really  sick and she has the only computer in the house in her room

3rd POV

Y/N stumbled as Milla pulled them towards the edge of the lake. They weren't sure what was happening, but they trusted their friend. As they reached the water's edge, Milla let go of their hand and turned to face them with a grin.

Milla: "Alright Y/N I need some help testing some of my powers out and since you decided to follow me you can be my research assistant." She said while smiling

Y/N was aware of Milla's powers they'd just never seen them in action so they looked excited. 

Milla then concentrated until a small green cube appeared and hovered beside her. Y/N stared with wonder in their eyes as they watched the small green cube hovering beside Milla. They couldn't believe what they were seeing and couldn't wait to see what else Milla could do with her powers. Excitement filled Y/N as they eagerly awaited Milla's next move.

Milla looked around and saw a medium-sized tree trunk, she pointed towards it." Alright Y/N I'm gonna need you to hold up that trunk in front of you, you understand?

Y/N nodded picked up the tree trunk and put it in front of him, He stuck out his thumb showing that they were ready.


The blast from the green cube hit the tree trunk with a loud thud, causing it to shake.  As the dust settled, Milla looked up to see that the tree trunk was gone along with Y/N.

Oh no! What happened to Y/N? Milla frantically looked around, hoping to find her friend. She called out Y/N's name, but there was no response. Milla's heart raced as she feared the worst. She wondered if her powers had accidentally hurt Y/N or if something else had happened. She needed to find Y/N and make sure they were okay. Milla began to search the area, calling out Y/N's name again and again. She began to use her dog ears to see if she could hear any sign of Y/N.


Y/N slowly opened their eyes, but everything was blurry. They blinked a few times, trying to clear their vision. After a few seconds, Y/N's memory started to come back. They remembered holding up the tree trunk and the blast from Milla's green cube. 

Y/N suddenly realized they were underwater! Panic set in as they struggled to swim around trying to find the surface. Their lungs felt like they were going to burst as they fought against the water. Y/N's lungs were starting to ache, and they knew they were running out of air. They tried to swim up to the surface, but it felt like they weren't making any progress. They started to feel lightheaded, and their body was screaming for air. 

Y/N knew they needed to find a way out, but they were disoriented and couldn't see clearly. They started to panic as they realized that they might not make it to the surface in time. As Y/N struggled to swim and find the surface, their lungs started to ache, and even more, panic set in. They felt like they were running out of air, and their body was screaming for oxygen. Y/N's vision started to blur, and they felt lightheaded. They knew they needed to find a way out before it was too late.

Desperately, Y/N tried to swim up to the surface, but it felt like they weren't making any progress. The water seemed to be pulling them back down, and they couldn't see clearly. Y/N's arms and legs started to feel weak, and they could feel their bodies shutting down. They could hear the sound of their heartbeat in their ears, and it was getting slower and slower their limbs began to slow down.Y/N knew they had to do something, but they couldn't think clearly. They were disoriented and confused, and their body was giving up. They felt like they were floating, and the world around them was fading away. Y/N's last thought was a plea for help, and then everything went dark.

Milla frantically searched for Y/N, calling out their name again and again. She was starting to lose hope when she finally saw a figure floating in the water. Milla quickly rushed over, diving in to pull Y/N out of the water. She held them close, checking for a pulse and breathing. Their pulse was slow and they weren't breathing. She paddled to the shore and set them down on the ground. Without thinking Milla quickly started performing CPR on Y/N, pressing down on their chest. She knew she had to act fast to save her friend. After a few moments, they were still unconscious. Milla looked at them with panic suddenly she thought in her mind, "It's not enough I've got to do something else. Milla quickly tilted Y/N's head back and opened their airway. She then took a deep breath and blew it into Y/N's mouth, watching their chest rise. She repeated the process several times, hoping to get Y/N to breathe on their own. After several attempts, Y/N finally gasped for air and started to cough and spit out water Milla paused for a moment, watching as Y/N coughed up water. Relief flooded through her as she realized that her friend was going to be okay. She gently rubbed Y/N's back, trying to comfort them as they continued to cough and gasp for air. After a few minutes, Y/N's breathing started to slow down, and their coughing subsided. 

Y/N lay there for a few seconds staring at the water until a hand tapped their shoulder, they flinched at the action and turned their head to see that it was Milla with a reassuring smile.

Y/N felt embarrassed their cheeks blushed red as they realized Milla had performed CPR on them. They sat up and looked at Milla, feeling grateful but also a bit ashamed. They couldn't believe they had almost drowned, and they couldn't believe Milla had saved them. They looked up at Milla with a mix of gratitude and embarrassment. "Thank you," they mouthed, still feeling a bit shaken up. Milla smiled, relieved to see Y/N was okay. "Don't worry about it," she said, patting Y/N on the back. "I'm just glad you're okay."

Time skip to Lilacs Treehouse.

Y/N struggled to climb the ladder going up the tree house. Their fur was heavy and wet from being submerged in the water for so long. Each step felt like a challenge, and they had to pause frequently to catch their breath. As they climbed, they could feel the wind blowing against their fur, making it even harder to keep their balance as they shivered from the cold, Milla carefully picked up Y/N and took to the air, using her ears to fly. She held onto Y/N tightly, making sure they were secure and comfortable. Milla could feel Y/N's body relax and their breathing became steady. She knew that her friend was still in shock from their ordeal, and she wanted to get them to safety as quickly as possible. Milla flew for a few seconds until she reached the top. She gently set Y/N down on the balcony of the tree house. Milla looked down to see Y/N passed out due to exhaustion. Milla carefully lifted Y/N in her arms, cradling them gently as she made her way into the treehouse. Once inside, she laid Y/N down on a comfortable spot and covered them with a warm blanket. Milla sat beside Y/N, watching them sleep peacefully. She was grateful that her quick thinking had saved her friend's life. 

A few moments later Lilac walks into the living room to find Y/N and Milla asleep on the couch looking exhausted. She smiled as she picked up Milla and began walking into the bedroom and set Milla in her bed, She then went back into the living room and picked up Y/N noticing that their fur was wet they looked confused, She set them in their dog bed where after a few seconds the curled up. Lilac smiled and said, "I'll ask them in the morning..."

A/N Note (Hey Sky or Archer here I'm gonna try to write this book in 3rd person to make it easier for me, I also forgot to mention in the bio that Y/N can't swim and has an extreme fear of water)

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